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ASPROM. Office-work

The name of the base system (platform): ASPROM. Content management (ASPROM.ECM)
Developers: Aspromgroup (Aspromsoft)
Technology: EDMS

Module "ASPROM. Office-work" (is a part of ASPROM.ECM) allows to organize uniform electronic archive of the documents (entering and outgoing letters, ORD and other managerial documents) and to automate processes of work with them.


  • organization of uniform electronic archive of documents
  • document registration according to GSDOU
  • collective work with documents
  • control of execution of instructions and resolutions
  • differentiation of access rights to confidential documents

Module "ASPROM. Office-work" is often used for expansion of functionality of the module "by ASPROM. Management of the design and estimate documentation" regarding conducting work with the organizational and administrative project documentation:

Scheme of interaction of the module "ASPROM. Office-work" and "ASPROM. Management of the design and estimate documentation"


  • "ASPROM. Management of workflows": process automation of consideration, approval and approval of documentation and also process of issue of instructions and control of their execution.

  • "ASPROM. Document templates": creation of documents on the basis of the templates put in a system and also automatic filling of the documents created on the basis of a template, values of attributes of cards of elements.

  • "ASPROM. Organization structure": structured storage of data on divisions and staff of the organization.

  • "ASPROM. Substitution of users": the organization of work of the substituting user with tasks substituted on an absence period.

  • "ASPROM. Communications": automatic or manual binding of elements of a System which are logically connected among themselves.

  • "ASPROM. Electronic signature": signing of electronic documents the qualified electronic signature.

Maintaining electronic archive

The electronic archive of documents includes following features:

  • document storage is performed in the form of a card (with a set of necessary attributes) with the file attached to it in almost any format
  • maintaining document types for convenience of a categorization (the letter, a claim, the order and so forth)
  • setup of version control of documents
  • setup of necessary attributes of cards of documents (obligatory and not obligatory): A document type, the Partner (Addressee), the Contents, the Project (when using the module "ASPROM. Management of the design and estimate documentation"), etc.
  • signs of confidentiality and availability to all legal entities and branches on which differentiation of access rights to documents depends
  • tracking of need and terms of the answer to the entering / outgoing letters
  • possibility of maintaining the unified list of subjects of documents (for convenience of a categorization)
  • communications of documents: entering – the outgoing, main document – the application, the cancelled document – canceling and so forth (when using a component "ASPROM. Communications")
  • possibility of creation of documents on the basis (with automatic filling of some fields of a card and ensuring necessary communications of documents)

Document registration

For document registration according to GSDOU following features are provided:

  • possibility of setup of several places of registration
  • maintaining the nomenclature of affairs with a possibility of the instruction of archive in which case (after closing), and trackings of storage lives is handed over
  • maintaining necessary number of magazines of registration of the entering, outgoing and internal documents

automatic assignment of registration number of a required format (depending on the selected magazine of registration)

  • possibility of installation of the future registration number (to start work with a System from the middle of year)
  • possibility of the indication of number assigned to the document by the partner
  • possibility of the indication of a delivery mode of the document and also putting down of a mark about delivery of the outgoing document to the addressee (date and time)
  • tracking of location of the paper document in the organization (in division, at the specific employee)
  • possibility of an insert of a stamp in the file of the incoming letter with indication of registration number and the name of the legal entity or branch of the organization

Card of the outgoing document (attributes of registration)

For clerks representation which visually differs in nothing from the normal magazine of document registration which clerks keep in paper form or in the Excel file is created. The list of the displayed columns prednastroyen, but is editable the user.

Also for convenience of users the navigation menu which allows to pass to the necessary section of the module quickly is configured.

For fast sending the outgoing document to addressees by e-mail the module "ASPROM. Office-work" gives an opportunity of automatic formation of the eml-file with the enclosed documents. At the same time the outgoing address and the text of the letter are configured for each legal entity or branch of the organization, and the addresses of partners and a subject of the message are automatically substituted from attributes of a card of the outgoing document.


Module "ASPROM. Office-work" includes the most widespread processes of work with documents.

  • Process of work with incoming documents
  • Process of formation and control of execution of instructions
  • Process of work with outgoing documents
  • Process of work with internal documents