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JSC Irkutskgiprodornii (DocsVision (EDMS/ECM system))

Customers: JSC Irkutskgiprodornii

Irkutsk; Mineral extraction

Contractors: RKIT Group (RKIT)
Product: RKIT: Corporate office-work
На базе: DocsVision (EDMS/ECM system)
Third product: Reference kontrol RKIT

Project date: 2012/03  - 2012/09
Number of licenses: 105


In 2010 at the enterprise the assessment which showed that the existing software works only as an analog of electronic archive was carried out, without solving a problem of accounting and control. There was a need for the choice of an electronic document management system.

Goals and Objectives

The main objective when choosing consisted in easy integration into the Windows operating system and an application program package of Microsoft Office.

According to the results of contrastive analysis at the beginning of 2012 by the customer selected the Docsvision system. The RKIT Group company developed and implemented the system of office-work and control of performing discipline. Based on the authorized RKIT Group training center trained contractors of the project and clerks.

Project Results

At the moment a system is successfully operated. Registrars, assistants to heads, the staff of offices and receptions keep account in the classical navigator.

Project managers note acceleration of routine work on filling of registration documents. Time of creation of the order was reduced from 5 to 3 days. Registrations of employees for work — from the 5th to the 2nd. By 2.3 times formation, approval and signing of documents accelerated.

A system is reliable: from the moment of transition to the new version of failures in system operation is not present.