Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

1C: Enterprise 8. Milk plant (Center for Scientific and Technical Services and Consulting)

The name of the base system (platform): 1C: Enterprise 8.0
Developers: Center for Scientific and Technical Services and Consulting
Branches: Food industry
Technology: ERP

Functionality of solution 1C: Milk plant 8 considers industry specifics of the milk-processing enterprises of different activities:

  • the milk plants which are turning out whole-milk products;
  • producers of baby food;
  • maslosyrodelny enterprises;
  • concentrated milk plants;
  • zhiromargarinovy plants;
  • cold-storage facilities are producers of ice cream.

The solution can be used both at the separate enterprises, and in production holdings for a possibility of unification of production and regulated accounting.


Product 1C: Milk plant 8 is developed based on 1C:Enterprise 8. Management of manufacturing enterprise also is the complete solution covering the main guidance loops and accounting and allowing to organize the unified information system for management of different aspects of activity of the enterprise:

Subsystem of accounting of dairy raw materials:

  • The specialized subsystem of accounting of dairy raw materials allows to keep account of intake of raw materials from suppliers, with registration of qualitative indexes (criteria) on the basis of which are defined a sort and also value of purchase prices. The structure of qualitative indexes and sorts for each type of raw materials is defined by the user.
  • When accounting intake of raw materials use to three units of measure is possible: the physical weight of raw materials, test weight which algorithm of calculation decides by the user and any unit of measure (also on the configured calculation algorithm) for conducting inventory accounting. For example, "cow's milk" raw materials except physical weight in kilograms, can be considered in test weight in terms of basic fat content and in zhirokilogramma which are used as fundamental unit of an inventory control.
  • In a subsystem the flexible mechanism of calculation of purchase prices as which parameters are used is implemented: values of qualitative criteria (fat content, protein), sorts and partners. At the same time, it is possible to spread out the price of several components: basic unit and allowances.
  • In printed forms of documents of acceptance of raw materials qualitative indexes of raw materials and components of purchase price are reflected.
  • Except accounting of the raw materials in a subsystem accounting of additional services from suppliers of raw materials is implemented. There is an opportunity for each agreement with the supplier to define structure of services, and for the specific nomenclature to set an algorithm of calculation of quantity from which the amount of service is calculated.

The reporting in a subsystem allows to analyze intake of raw materials on a large number of cuts and indicators (sorts, quality characteristics, allowances, etc.).

Production management:

  • the enlarged and detailed planning of production;
  • identification of differences between the enlarged plans specified by plans, data of actual production;
  • cost management;
  • cost accounting;
  • product data management;
  • operational accounting in production;
  • management of motor transportation division;

  • Management of fixed assets, planning of repairs
  • Management of finance
  • Personnel management and salary
  • Management of a warehouse (stocks)

Sales management:

  • efficiency evaluation and reliability of work with partners;
  • order taking of buyers for shipment;
  • formation of the plan of shipments;
  • communication of the consignee with the partner;
  • calculation of cost of services of delivery;
  • expanded reporting;
  • information storage about the prices of competitors;
  • formation of the price list with selling prices, mechanisms for calculation of some prices on the basis of other prices;
  • determination of discounts and margins concerning sales volume.

Purchase management:

  • operational planning of purchases;
  • order placement to suppliers and control of their execution;
  • reflection in vendor documents of the ordered goods and replacement to it in the presence of like those;
  • determination of grade of raw materials on the basis of the entered criteria (acidity, density, etc.);
  • accounting of acceptance of raw materials in two units of measure (physical and test weight);
  • calculation of purchase prices of raw materials depending on the basic prices for raw materials (on partners) and allowances for fat and protein;
  • inclusion in the cost of raw materials of transport services;
  • formation of summary receiving receipts for the accepted dairy raw materials (on partners);
  • reports on raw materials purchases (by sorts, criteria, allowances, etc.);
  • different schemes of acceptance of goods from suppliers, including acceptance on implementation and receiving raw materials supplied by the customer and materials are supported.

  • Management of the relations with buyers and suppliers
  • Monitoring and analysis of indicators of activity of the enterprise

"1C:Enterprise 8. Milk plant", edition 1. 3

Main industry functionality of the program:

  • Conducting the regulated and management accounting taking into account specifics of the milk-processing enterprises;
  • Accounting of intake of dairy raw materials from suppliers, the test weight and purchase price of raw materials are calculated with registration of qualitative indexes (criteria) on the basis of which are defined a sort. The structure of qualitative indexes and sorts for each type of raw materials is defined by the user;
  • Conducting production accounting of production of dairy products taking into account industry specifics. The products can be considered in additional units of measure. Production parameters have communication with qualitative indexes of raw materials (for example, % of fat, protein %) that allows when calculating write-off of raw materials correctly to expect standards of an expense production;
  • Accounting of waybills of cars taking into account specifics of the rolling stock (milk tankers on raw materials delivery, vans and refrigerators on delivery of finished goods);
  • Certification of finished goods, statement of qualitative certificates, accounting of finished goods on batches;
  • Sales management of finished goods taking into account industry specifics, accounting of requests of buyers on products delivery routes. Formation of a complete document package on shipment of products, including certificates of a kachestvaa of security of products, delivery notes, invoices.

Milk plant it is necessary to have the set 1C: Enterprise 8.2 or 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform for work with a configuration.

The software product is protected and contains the code fragments which are not subject to change by the user, has hardware protection against unauthorized use. At the same time the principle of the maximum openness of the code for a possibility of adaptation of a product under needs of end users is implemented.