The name of the base system (platform): | KAS "Business Lux" |
Developers: | NPO Computer |
Technology: | ERP |
In today's hard time the controllability financial resources comes out on top not only for commercial enterprises, but also for the state financial bodies of different levels of the power (municipal, regional, republican, federal). Need of accurate control of the movement of financial resources, ensuring the correct distribution of means and economy, the raising requests of the public and deputies according to the reporting on work of administration generate requirement is total to consider information connected with financial resources quickly to receive different reports on financing, planning of the budget, the directions of expenditure of means.
Modern level of the computer equipment and the end-to-end information system covering all planning process and accounting of budget implementation at all participants of budget process from managers to financial bodies of administration allows to increase efficiency of financial bodies, controllability of the budget, to pass to a treasurer system of accounting of execution quicker, to reach permanent availability of operational, complete and reliable information about a budget status.
To this purpose serves the Information System of Budget Monitoring (ISBM) developed by NPO Kompyyuter company Izhevsk. A system automates tasks of governing bodies of finance, functions of the Main managers of budgetary funds, considering remoteness of places of information processing. For data exchange between the Main managers and governing body of finance the replicaiton engine which is built in a system is used. Certain managers of budgetary funds are also integrated into ISBM for which they prepare data with the help of the special Microsoft Excel templates. All making automation systems of budget process exchange among themselves data in a XML-format which became the actual standard for integration of the different systems recently.
A system is developed using the subject-oriented building tool IS-Builder and functions in the environment of Windows based on MS SQL Server DBMS. Use of the building tool allows to make a system not stiffened, and expanded and adapted to the changing conditions in use of a system. For example, at creation of an end-to-end information system of self-government institutions new tasks (including not only on accounting of finance) can be implemented using the same tool - IS-Builder.
- Planning of budget revenues
- Planning of budget expenses
- Budget implementation
- Accounting
- Main managers of budgets
- Budget reporting
- Budget implementation on a treasurer system
- Control panel of the head
- Administration of a system