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Bylina RB-109A System

Developers: Radio-electronic technologies (KRET)

In the fall of 2017 during joint strategic exercise of Russia and Belarus "West-2017" the automated system Bylina is for the first time applied to management of connections and military units of radio-electronic fight (REB).

The strategic doctrine "West-2017" passed from September 14 to September 20, 2017. According to official figures, about 12.7 thousand servicemen and also up to 70 airplanes and helicopters, 680 units of military equipment, up to 200 tools, the reactive systems of volley fire and mortars, up to 10 fighting ships were involved in joint exercise.

During the doctrine modern and perspective means of REB were also involved. In the period of the doctrine approbation of three latest samples of the technology of radio-electronic fight is carried out. In particular, the automated system Bylina is for the first time applied to management of connections and military units of radio-electronic fight.

This system for read seconds independently selects and will recognize the purposes – radio stations, communication systems, radars, airplanes of distant radar detection, satellites and other objects of the opponent. Then the complex decides how more effectively to suppress them, and selects the stations of noises which are most suitable for this purpose.

"The efficiency of application of means of REB under control of Bylina grows many times, at the same time the radio-electronic compatibility with own communication systems and radar investigation is considered", – noted in Department of information and mass communications of the Russian Defense Ministry.

As it was reported earlier, within developmental work Bylina of KRET created essentially new complex of investigation and management of noises of short-wave range of stations. According to the First Deputy CEO of Concern Vladimir Zverev, the complex is already accepted on supply of troops of REB of Armed forces of Russia. Within the state defense order its deliveries to parts and divisions of REB are planned. The new complex has the improved characteristics on the range and accuracy of position fix of sources of a radio emission.

"He is capable to carry out the detailed analysis in a difficult radio-electronic situation, to select priority projects of radio suppression and to manage optimum complexes of radio interferences, including during the work in the mode of reorganization of radio frequencies and also for implementation of the space distributed radio suppression method", – Vladimir Zverev told in an interview of TASS.