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Yun John (John Yun)
Yun John (John Yun)

As of October, 2017, John Yun is the director of technologies of TmaxSoft company.


John Yun received the bachelor's degree on applied mathematics with specialization of Computer Science at the University of California (Berkeley) and the diploma of the master with specialization of Business Administration and Project Management of Boston University.


Worked in such technology companies as Accenture, Oracle and PeopleSoft that allowed it to expand the technology competence, beginning from virtual reality and to cloud services.

Till October, 2017 worked in LG Electronics corporation where held a position of the vice president for the B2B Business Development direction.

At the beginning of October, 2017 John Yun is appointed to a post of the director of technologies of the international innovative company TmaxSoft. In this quality Yun directs technology development of TmaxSoft: developments of the company on a global scale, including management of new product development, development of perspective technologies and innovations. According to Joshua Yulish (Joshua Yulish), the president and the chief executive of North American department of TmaxSoft, the main task of John is the management of the technology division of the company giving support of the products TmaxSoft worldwide.

John Yun alternately works at offices TmaxSoft in Chicago and Korea and also if necessary to leave to customers.