Customers: Vnukovo Pochty Rossii Logistic Mail Center (LMC) Moscow; Logistics and distribution Contractors: Akado-Telecom (Comcor) Product: Comcor: Services of cloud video surveillance (VSaaS - Video Surveillance as a Service)На базе: Akado-Telecom: Virtual Data Processing Center (VDPC) Project date: 2017/07 - 2017/09
Number of licenses: 22
On October 12, 2017 announced the logistic center Vnukovo Pochta Rossii equipment object additional surveillance cameras. Installation 22 of IP video cameras in all 6 body of the center performed the telecom operator Comcor (trade brand of Akado Telecom). The equipment is placed within the large-scale project on the organization of cloud video surveillance on key objects of Russian Post.
Project Results
The video surveillance set by the telecom operator of Comcor allowed in the mode of real time to control load of workshops, to evenly distribute flows and in case of need to direct additional employees for operational processing of mailings. It becomes most relevant in the period of a high season.
Devices have high resolution at the expense of what it turns out qualitative the image in the HD format. Use of cloud computing gives possibility of the round-the-clock access to video via the web interface in the mode real time. Confidentiality of information is guaranteed use of the protected protocol at data transmission. Information with video cameras it is stored in virtual DPC of Akado Telecom.
Specialists of Akado Telecom performed all turnkey works within a month: delivered the equipment, performed its installation and tuning. Technical support of a video surveillance system is performed by Akado Telecom in the mode 24/7.