Developers: | Yandex, Higher School of Economics (Higher School of Economics National Research University) |
Date of the premiere of the system: | 2017/10/16 |
Technology: | SaaS - Software as service |
Yandex: The atlas of universities - the service for school students and parents aggregating information on lowest passing scores in universities of Russia for several years. The website of service is
On October 16, 2017 the Yandex company announced start of Atlas of Universities service, the joint project of Yandex and Higher School of Economics National Research University.
Service is focused on school students and parents. In it information on lowest passing scores in the Russian universities for several years is collected. The purpose of service - to help entrants with the choice of educational institution, to solve other problems connected with receipt.
Determination of set of examinations
All graduates of schools take two obligatory examinations for the USE: Russian and mathematics. Children select other tests. The earlier future entrants will decide on objects which will be required for entering a higher education institution, the more time will remain on preparation.
Considering an opportunity to become software developer and having made the decision to arrive on faculty of software engineering, it is possible to request Atlas - in what universities there is such specialty what examinations are necessary for receipt. As the third subject somewhere accept information science, somewhere physics.
Happens and vice versa — you do not know yet whom to be, but, for example, are strong in Russian, English and history. "Atlas" will advise suitable specialties in different universities. With such set it is possible to become the linguist, the political scientist, the historian of arts — or, say, to specialize in oriental studies and African Studies.
Assessment of own forces
"Atlas" stores information on lowest passing scores in universities. It is possible to learn how many points were required in 2017 for revenues to the budget and to the contract. Data are indicative.
Statistics for previous years is available to many universities. It helps to estimate change of interest of entrants in different specialties.
At delivery of sample tests of the USE the school student can understand what point it is worth expecting at examination. Service has the calculator: having specified the expected number of points to Atlas, it is possible to learn - what universities could accept in 2017.
Selection of university by parameters
When choosing university it is necessary to consider a set of criteria. Filters on Atlas will help to pick up the educational institution corresponding to wishes.