Customers: Samara-Spetsmontazh (SSM) Samara; Construction and industry of construction materials Contractors: ACS-group AKS-academy Product: DocsVision (EDMS/ECM system)Project date: 2012/06 - 2012/12
Works on system implementation of management of documents and business processes were conducted within half a year. Solutions on automation of contractual process and process of the general office-work were during this time implemented. Automation of contractual process allowed to increase significantly labor productivity by preparation and approval of agreements, to create ordered electronic storage of documents and to differentiate access to them.
During process automation of the general office-work the effective control system of execution based on timely accounting of documents of all types (entering outgoing internal) and obligatory registration of resolutions and instructions at all levels of management was developed. Users of a system are all heads of an average and the top management and also the specialists working at head office and in remote divisions.
As a basis of the solution the Docsvision 5 platform was selected. The factors which influenced the choice for benefit of Docsvision were a full integration with Microsoft Office, the possibility of fast expansion of functionality, connection of new employees without performance penalty. Based on a system modification and development of own solutions which are not requiring programming is possible; setup of various options of jobs of users – for the growing company being in a stage of setup of an effective control system of internal business processes is possible, existence of similar functionality became the compulsory provision.