Customers: Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) Moscow; Telecommunications and Communications Product: Projects of the IP telephonyProject date: 2016/10 - 2017/01
The CTI system integrator announced on October 26, 2017 implementation of Virtual PBX service for clients of the telecommunication operator in Russia — Mobile TeleSystems (MTS). The producer of the platform selected the international corporation BroadSoft.
Feature of service
For entry into the market of B2B CTI MTS proposed the innovative solution — competitive service Virtual PBX. The feature of service consists in convergence of the fixed and mobile communication. In a single corporate telephone network employees from different corners of Russia communicate, including in what there is no opportunity to carry out the Internet or to stretch a telephone cable.
How it works
The uniform short phone number for mobile and stationary phones is assigned to subscribers of Virtual PBX from MTS. Clients of MTS can connect different services: auto attendant, uniform toll-free multichannel number, virtual contact center, call recording, statistics of calls, filtering of calls and many other things. It is possible to use a system without additional hardware and difficult technical support that saves charges of the big staff of engineers and IT infrastructure.
Project Results
On a response of the operator, less than for a year of commercial operation of service by subscribers of service there were more than 50 thousand clients of MTS — the staff of the Russian enterprises of different industries.
Growth of the domestic market of virtual PBX in a segment of B2B is about 30% a year that clearly demonstrates demand of this solution for any business — Dmitry Mironov, the director of work with CTI telecommunication companies noted. — Solving the tasks set for us MTS we developed for the company the advanced service with a flexible management portal services. The portal meets all customer needs of the mobile operator. "Virtual PBX" for MTS has no analogs in the world. In plans of CTI — further expansion of a strategic range of interaction between our companies". |