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Huawei 5G router

Developers: Huawei
Date of the premiere of the system: 2017/10/29
Technology: SCS

Huawei 5G the router - the router on the basis of technologies of division into service layers.

On October 29, 2017 the Huawei company announced completion of tests of the router on the basis of technologies of slicing (division into service layers) for networks of generation of a 5G in the European center of testing of network technologies (EANTC).

Results of testing confirmed readiness of development 50GE FlexE to commercial use[1].

During tests of routers of the ATN series on the basis of technology 50GE FlexE operating modes 50GE and network slicing on Flexible Ethernet technologies, expansion of capacity and protection switchings are tested. According to results of tests, interfaces 50GE conform to requirements of commercial use for all estimated indicators. It is established that network slicing on Flexible Ethernet technology is capable to provide separation and isolation between network layers.

In overload situations indicators of capacity and a delay of each network stratum met expectations concerning isolation of services (between strata) and statistical multiplexing (in a stratum) that meets the requirements of isolation and value of a delay for a 5G services. Network slicing on the basis of Flexible Ethernet technology does possible adding, removal and change of network strata on demand.
