Leonid Ragozin, Kuban: The management system for crop production will make process of cultivation of a harvest transparent for the management
"Kaizen", "exact agriculture", "management system for crop production" — dlya Kuban Agroholding familiar for a long time concepts which help to achieve the best results. According to Leonid Ragozin, the CEO of the enterprise, partly exactly thanks to such approach the company could become one of the most effective land users and one of the largest livestock businesses of the country. Technologies create records
How does "the industry structure" of business of the company look? What directions of business have the greatest share in revenues of holding and develop quicker than others?
Leonid Ragozin: Kuban agroholding — eto more than 20 specialized companies grouped in five divisions: "Agricultural enterprises", Seed farming, "Storage and processing of grain", Meat processing and "Production of sugar". The largest division — Agricultural enterprises, it includes several directions: crop production, dairy livestock production and pig-breeding.
We enter ten the large-scale livestock enterprises of Russia on number of cattle, the herd contains more than 16,400 heads. Our milk is actively bought by producers with world names. At the same time the youngest and small Seed farming division today on rise. Only 126 people work in a division, and in 2016 each of these employees brought to holding more than 2.5 million rubles. Now actively we develop meat processing which, we hope, shortly will begin to make good profit.
What dynamics of indicators of the company?
Leonid Ragozin: From year to year — polozhitelny. So, the sugar plant at the end of 2016 achieved a record: average daily development reached 6340 t at the plan in 6000 t. 844 thousand tons of sugar beet are accepted and processed, it is 54% more, than in 2015.
We continue updating of dairy herd and we work on increase in efficiency of dairy production. The average livestock of fodder cows at the end of 2016 made 8333 heads. At the same time the gross milk yield reached nearly 59,300 t last year. Proceeds from sales of raw milk grew by 2%, from 1.387 to 1.416 billion rubles.
In 2016 we also significantly increased a livestock of pigs — s 36 thousand in 2015 to 44 thousand heads (+22.6% by 2015). The profit of a svinotovarny complex exceeded 204 million rubles, and sales proceeds grew by 46%.
Results of present harvest are very optimistic: we collected 144.4 thousand tons of seed wheat from the area nearly 2230 hectares. Growth of gross collecting of seed wheat on seeds was provided by its high productivity at the level of 64.8 c/hectare (against 61.1 c/hectare last year).
Gross collecting of commodity wheat remained practically at the level of last year and made 212,965 t, it besides that for 7.6% the harvested acreage was reduced. However the high productivity at the level of 66.7 c/hectare allowed to save the volume of gross collecting.
What main directions of investment?
Leonid Ragozin: During the period from 2014 to 2016 the investment volume of Kuban Agroholding was more than 5 billion rubles. The business development strategy supposes accumulation of investment volume. The expected volume of capital investments in the period from 2017 to 2021 will be more than 20 billion rubles. The main investment projects are directed to further expansion of business, namely to increase in land bank, processing capacities, at development of the direction of deep processing of meat, production of finished goods, upgrade of the Tikhoretsk kukuruzokalibrovochny plant, development of the selection and seed-growing center, increase in a livestock of KRS.
As far as we know, the company started the project on creation of the integrated information and analytical system of management of crop production. What problems does it solve?
Leonid Ragozin: We wanted to create a system which will make process of cultivation of a harvest transparent for the management of holding, will allow to make the analysis of the made decisions, will become the instrument of multilevel control of production processes and will act as the expert for ordinary agronomists. Therefore the decision to focus on problems of production especially as problems of financial accounting and administration control at us are already solved at rather modern level was made.
By means of the implemented system it will be possible to answer quickly and authentically such questions as: what culture it is the best of all to grow up in the field what agrotechnical actions are most effective or, on the contrary, are inefficient for certain culture and a field and why? Will help to estimate efficiency of use of different sorts, hybrids, SZR and fertilizers for work planning and resources of the next season. A system will check timeliness of monitoring of crops of agronomists and on the basis of these data will reveal problem fields, will trace the diagram and quality of accomplishment of agricultural transactions.
Distribution of cultures of the following harvest by fields, process charts to each field will automatically form, the expense of inventory items is calculated, the optimal work plan of the equipment for the next day for execution of works in the necessary terms taking into account operational data on the current situation is defined, the shortage of the equipment is predicted, the planned and actual expense of resources on each field is calculated. History of the harvests which are grown up on fields will also be stored in a system that allows agronomists to carry out the analysis of the reaped crops and on the basis of historical data, such as, for example, biological productivity, the revealed diseases and defeats of cultures by wreckers. It also gives the chance to establish the reasons and to take necessary actions for increase in productivity and reduction of risk of a disease of a harvest. A system should control observance of specifications at accomplishment of agricultural transactions that allows to establish the reasons of different productivity of one culture which is grown up practically in identical conditions.
It is no secret that agronomists are forced to fill out a set of papers and reports and can miss any negative situation with crops. Having supplied them with the mobile applications exchanging data with the central server of a system and having provided the scheme of the reporting, we reduce routine load of our employees, they will be able to spend more time in the field.
We calculate that use of a system in daily work of agronomists will allow to reduce quantity incorrectly and out of time made decisions caused by a lack of data or time that as a result will lead to increase in productivity.
What do you think of the concept of exact agriculture?
Leonid Ragozin: Exact agriculture is thought up for a long time and, unfortunately, not us, its efficiency is proved on experience of our foreign colleagues. Therefore agricultural producers in Russia just have no choice except how to reduce backlog from world progress in our industry if we want to create quality products and to be successful in terms of business.
We gradually implement at ourselves the technologies concerning the concept of exact agriculture. We use an equipment monitoring system, we control gas stations and a consumption of fuel. We work in the test mode with drones for monitoring of crops, we are defined as far as this technology is useful to us in scales of all economy. In the next plans — a zakupka of soil laboratories. After end of system implementation of management of crop production agronomists will be able to use data of the autonomous meteorological stations and sensors placed on fields. Our specialists regularly leave to the European countries for training and consultations with producers of modern agricultural machinery and other technologies implementing the principles of exact agriculture. In the long term use of methods of exact agriculture will allow us to accumulate detailed history of fields for efficiency analysis of the made decisions and correction of strategy. Already now we see significant economy on fuel and we expect to cut a consumption of other resources that in total with the increase in productivity expected due to use of a management system by crop production on all areas of holding will give notable economic effect.
As the IT platform for development of exact agriculture we selected JD Edwards Enterprise One of Oracle company, its specialized module for agriculture is used in many large companies worldwide, and for agricultural production automation.
Kuban — the izvestny enthusiast of application of methodology Kaizen. How does Kaizen in the field of agriculture look? What benefit does bring?
Leonid Ragozin: Having implemented the production system based on the Japanese philosophy Kaizen we achieved substantial increase of labor productivity and entered in top5 the most effective land users of Russia.
We conduct full-time work on cost analysis, loss minimization, standardization of jobs and business processes since 2007. 5695 standards and 4697 improvements were during this time developed and implemented. Thanks to implementation of a production system labor productivity in the company since 2007 grew by 4 times, and economic effect reached exceeded 1.1 billion rubles.
As for the last examples, I consider very demonstrative uborochnuyu2017. We managed to rationalize and optimize the maximum number of processes to increase rates of cleaning and acceptance of grain. The average time of cleaning winter in previous years was 22‑30 days. In 2017 we reaped a crop in 15 days. Worked harmoniously both on cleaning, and on acceptance that is especially important. All counted to trifles: made schemes of traffic across the territory of an elevator, graphics of hardware maintenance, also organisational arrangements on preparation provided training. As a result it was succeeded to reduce idle times and to increase the rate of acceptance on elevators by 56%, or from 7.5 thousand tons in day of a winter wheat to more than 14 thousand tons.