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2017/11/03 14:38:46

Alexander Nazarov, Haulmont: Conservatism of the organizations — the main obstacle in a way to paperless document flow

Alexander Nazarov, the sales director EDMS THESIS of the company Haulmont, in an interview told TAdviser about key changes in the Russian EDMS/ECM systems market for 2017, about the implemented innovations and plans for development of the THESIS system and also about the main obstacles in a way to mass transition to paperless document flow in Russia.

of EDMS THESIS successfully extends in the Russian market and in neighboring countries

What, in your opinion, the most important changes happened in the Russian market EDMS/ ECM- systems for the last year? What events influenced the market?

Alexander Nazarov: We note more and more increasing demand for the systems constructed on technology the web client every year. All need the simple, modern system having an opportunity to grow and develop together with their business and the growing requirements. Therefore among the competitors on projects all of us more often see EDMS of new generation, but not honored grandees.

Partly it is connected with the fact that the market is gradually saturated, and many companies plan transition to new EDMS, selecting at the same time the most modern solutions.

Also the growing literacy of the employees using a system cannot but please. Many already have an experience in different EDMS.

But most of all the tendency to replacement of foreign solutions pleases. The largest companies are not afraid of the Russian developments any more, seeing their present, fault tolerance and prospects.

Also the vector on import substitution set by the state affects all market and moods in business. Even more often we can observe transition of the large companies to the Russian systems and Open Source.

In 2016 in your company noticed "defrosting" of the market of EDMS. What situation in 2017? Whether growth is noticeable?

Alexander Nazarov: In 2016 turnover on sales to new clients grew by 2.5 times. So far early to sum up the results of 2017, but we already exceeded last year's indicators for the same period twice and we expect not less successful end of this year with significant growth.

Whether requests of customers changed? What tasks in the field of an EDMS/ECM are most relevant for them now?

Alexander Nazarov: Implementation of EDMS — already the standard for many averages and the large organizations. A question to implement or not already at anybody does not arise. Therefore solving of tasks of classical document flow by itself is meant in each project, and clients are aimed at automation of the main, the most important for them business processes. More and more relevant are problems of a linking of internal and external document flow of the company, "mobilization" of all employees occupied in document flow, integration of EDMS with the third-party systems which are available for the customer.

What important innovations are implemented in EDMS THESIS for the last year? What are going to be implemented in the near future?

Alexander Nazarov: For the last year in EDMS THESIS we made a set of improvements. First of all, we paid UI/UX much attention. Rethought and processed with our designer those things which our clients use daily – discussions and chats, work with filters and a preview of documents, the drag&drop function.

Also we released a new option to the THESIS system: Recognition and comparison, Abbyy as FineReader Engine and ScanDifFinder which integrated in itself possibilities of such products. Now a system can not only recognize the text of the scanned images of documents, for their participation in full-text search (earlier this function was performed by Recognition Server), but also to compare the scan copy of documents to their versions in office formats that is the most valuable to business.

Paying attention to convenience of work with a system to users, we do not forget also about system administrators. There was a new section in the menu of administration: "Monitoring" which allows administrators easily and conveniently to trace a current status of a system by different parameters. The personalized license that he could always log in and resolve issues of users is free of charge provided to the administrator.

In the near future we are going to release the new mobile version of a system developed on React Native framework. Until the end of 2017 there will be a prototype, and at the beginning of 2018 the new version will appear at customers.

Tell about key clients and projects in 2017.

Alexander Nazarov: Now we and our partners execute a set of interesting implementation projects of the THESIS system. Key of them take place in the organizations: The Russian Foreign Ministry, large insurance companies (Ingosstrakh and Sberbank insurance), State corporations on air traffic management and in the Russian 585 Gold. Some of not less interesting projects only started therefore we will be able to boast of results next year.

How you think in how many years the main part of the Russian organizations will be able to refuse completely paper in document flow? What main obstacles in this way could you call?

Alexander Nazarov: It would not be desirable to give any forecasts in this respect. Every year we observe steps of clients, the states and legislations towards paperless document flow. But when there will come time of mass transition to paperless document flow, so far it is difficult to assume. But it is sure that we will find this time. The main, in my opinion, the obstacle in this way is an unavailability and conservatism of most the organizations to complete transition to paperless document flow. Not enough loud positive examples from leading companies of the different industries. It takes time. As soon as people see positive experiment of market leaders, many will go in their direction, but already on the blazed way.

In your opinion, in what fundamental difference of the Russian EDMS/ECM systems market from foreign, for example the markets of the EU and the USA?

Alexander Nazarov: I will not tell anything new in this respect. In Russia we got used to apply the process approach to conducting document flow therefore our EDMS include broad functionality on business process automation and tasks. In the West function of an ECM system consists in the structured information storage in a broader sense of this word, and such systems are less adapted for the solution of applied tasks of the Russian customers. At the same time it is impossible to tell that the Russian systems are not suitable for foreign clients and vice versa, the foreign systems — for the Russian companies. But adaptation of solutions both in that and in other case will be required.

In the long term the next 5 years on what development of your company will be focused? Whether there are plans for mastering of the new markets?

Alexander Nazarov: The Haulmont company endures rapid growth. So it turned out that the replicated products and activities created by the company all are demanded today. EDMS THESIS successfully extends in the Russian market, in neighboring countries. The automation system of taxi services Sherlock is demanded in the markets of Europe, North America and Africa. The CUBA platform which is a basis of all projects and the replicated products of Haulmont company is demanded by developers worldwide (more than 170 countries, about 1,500 projects and thousands of developers use the platform). Also the direction of implementation of custom projects based on our platform develops. Therefore the geography of use of our solutions is very wide.

If to speak about EDMS THESIS, in the current year we started a system implementation project in the American bank. It more likely an exception to the rules, and this project cannot be considered an exit to foreign markets fully. It is necessary to understand that adaptation of a product under foreign customers requires not only accurate strategy, but also big labor and finance costs. So far we do the main rate on the growing market of Russia and the CIS countries. But, nevertheless, we think in this direction and abroad already we take some steps for preparation of a system for sale. In particular, there are plans of an output of a system for the English market.