Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2
Taipov Rasoul Rafanirovich
Taipov Rasoul Rafanirovich


Rasoul Taipov was born in Ufa on May 27, 1981. In 2003 graduated from the Bashkir state pedagogical university majoring in History. Candidate of historical sciences.

Since 1999 worked at the Ufa boarding school No. 30 the teacher of history and the culture of Bashkortostan.

In 2004-2015 worked as the inspector of scientific and methodical department, the manager, the top manager, the director of the center of certification of INSTO (Institute of modern technologies in education), the chief of educational and methodical management of East economical and legal humanitarian academy.

In 2015-2017 – the vice-chairman of the State committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan on informatization and issues of functioning of the Open Republic system. Among areas in which Taipov specialized in this position, - development of the electronic government and electronic services for the population in the republic, electronic education, interaction with IT startups, etc.

In October, 2017 it was appointed the acting as the chairman of the State committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan on informatization. It occurred after from a position of the head Rinat Shagalin who passed to a post of the head of Bashkortostan managing affairs left.

In November, 2017 Rasoul Taipov held a post of the chairman of the State committee of the Republic of Bashkortostan on informatization and issues of functioning of the Open Republic system.

See Also

Chief information officers of Russian regions