Customers: Nexign (Peter Service)
Contractors: ISpring Solutions Product: iSpring SuiteProject date: 2015/12 - 2015/12
Peter-Service Ltd is founded in St. Petersburg in 1992. The first Russian developer of billing systems with more than 20-year history, today the company takes the leading positions in the market of solutions for telecommunication business and is one of the largest IT companies of Russia, specializing in development, implementation and service of OSS/BSS of systems.
"We – software developer for telecom operators, i.e. work at the b2b market. Our clients – the large companies of communication, such as Megafon, RTK, MTS, etc. We in the market 20 years, during this time developed a set of products of the class OSS/BSS. All projects – quite big, respectively staff of our company already more than 1000 employees from whom about 600 people are engaged in development. In all federal districts at us branches of the company are open for better and fast support of our clients who also have federal presence in the communication market.
Respectively, we all the time are faced by a problem of promotion of our products – as to the existing clients, and search of new clients – in the Russian Federation, the CIS and outside the CIS. For this purpose we prepare pre-sale the materials explaining an essence of our products. Until recently electronic pre-sale materials generally prepared in PowerPoint. For some products we wrote demonstration videos. Just the product iSpring Suite allows to combine these two formats in one interactive FLASH, as explained our interest in the products iSpring.
In the products iSpring we were attracted first of all by usability and convenience. After the iSpring Suite installation you in PowerPoint have an additional panel with tools which allows easy to make interactive FLASH roller of the presentations which are already available for you. We are going to use iSpring Suite to add presentation pre-sale on our products with demonstrations of interfaces of systems and real cases of work with our products with video comments of our leading specialists. Such small rollers open an essence of products, than volume descriptions better. And also allow to answer a set of questions of our potential clients immediately. Besides, such FLASH rollers can be used for evident demonstration at conferences and forums in which we participate.
Using the trialny version of the product iSpring Suite, we made several test FLASH in which we tried in real work all opportunities of a packet – screencast, record of video and audio-comments, use of the nonlinear scenario of slide show, etc.
Result we were satisfied therefore we made the decision on acquisition of a packet.
The product iSpring Suite attracted us with the high quality and also quite beneficial price in comparison with the western analogs. Besides, we took into account that the iSpring company is the Russian software maker, as well as our company. We have feeling of solidarity and we want to support the Russian software makers. Supporting the Russian developers, we create premises for emergence of hi-tech products in the Russian economy. These are just those "products with high value added" that is provided by GDP growth and entry of our country into the world markets.
During the work with iSpring Suite we experienced exclusively positive emotions and we hope that when we solve our problem of creation of interactive rollers for the story about our products to potential clients, we will also experience positive emotions from obtaining result. Let's develop together the industry of production of software in the Russian Federation!"
Maxim Shkurin Chief of group of marketing of products of PETER-SJeRWIS Ltd