Customers: Esprezo (esPrezo) Moscow; Advertizing, PR and marketing Contractors: ISpring Solutions Product: iSpring SuiteProject date: 2013/10 - 2013/10
esPrezo is the presentation agency which is engaged in development of the presentations and videos for Group, Sberbank, IBS, QIWI, etc.
For the publication of the presentations on the website the esPrezo agency uses Slideshare and iSpring Free services. In a portfolio of the agency the iSpring Free player can be seen in the animated presentations for Dmitry Voloshin from Group, Sergey Matsotsky from IBS, Alexander Noskov from the First online accounting while Slideshare is used for viewing exclusively static versions of the presentations.
We learned from the founder of the agency Mark Hlynov what is pleasant to esPrezo in operation of the converter why children prefer to its other services existing in the market.
"We use the program for the publication of the animated presentations on the website in the HTML5 and Flash format. The charm of iSpring is that effects of animation remain, fonts — generally, everything remains in original state. It is amusing that there is no similar program any more, and the same PowerPoint does not allow to make it. The number of clients from departments of training of the different companies to which we recommended iSpring already exceeded two tens".