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The MRT-coil with adaptive image acquisition

Developers: GE Healthcare
Date of the premiere of the system: 2017/11
Branches: Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care
Technology: MPT

In November, 2017 the GE Healthcare company provided the folding easy coil for carrying out MRT which cornerstone the adaptive technology of image acquisition (AIR) is. The coil turned out so flexible that finds room in a coffee mug and it can be built in blankets even for brittle patients.

Traditional coils quite bulky and heavy — the head of GE design office Fraser Robb told. — While the AIR coil can be used practically without restrictions.

GE provided easy flexible coils for MRT

It is difficult to envelop less MRT flexible traditional coils around the patient with obesity. Besides, it is difficult to use such blanket for newborns, especially premature: babies often weigh less, than a blanket, and when using such coil for MRT of heart or scanning of all body it can complicate breath of the child. While each element of the AIR coil weighs no more than 40-50 g therefore, according to the company, such blanket is 60% easier, than normal analogs.

Clinical physicians from Stanford University tested a blanket on young patients. Usually, to reduce blanket weight, between it and a body of the child small pillows keep within. However, as the radiologist Shreyas Vasanawala explained, the head of researches MRT of Stanford University, "as a result the coil appears too far from the patient, and images turn out indistinct. To avoid it, it is necessary to extend the procedure that, in turn, can lead to emergence of artifacts of the movement".

Easier and flexible blanket which does not complicate breath of the patient can help with such cases and fits a breast tightly. Besides, such coil can be used for MRT of joints and extremities, they often differ by the size at different patients. This coil can be especially useful to patients with obesity.

The AIR coil for MRT-researches was approved by Management on control of foodstuff and medicines of the USA (FDA). The GE company is going to use this technology in the device Signa Premier.[1]
