The name of the base system (platform): | Projects based on blockchain technology |
Developers: | DeNet |
Branches: | Internet services |
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is service of the decentralized web hosting.
As envisioned by developers, the decentralized DeNet platform will provide to physical persons and legal entities the guaranteed personal data protection worldwide. DeNet does not belong to the certain country, does not cooperate with government institutions and allows to create backup copies of the valuable data in the most different corners of the globe.
2017: Alpha testing
The DeNet company at the beginning of December, 2017 announced alpha testing of the service of the decentralized web hosting. The blockchain startup works on creation of an alternative to the centralized cloud services.
DeNet is, on the one hand, the platform marketplace on the basis of peer-2-peer of solutions using blockchain technologies providing service of a safe hosting of the websites worldwide. On the other hand, the DeNet platform rents not used computing powers at users and the companies worldwide, giving them an opportunity to gain income on leasing of capacities.
One of main objectives which is pursued by DeNet — to return to society the right to the protection of personal data lost in the 21st century from the third parties.
Still being a teenager, years from ten, watching frequent cracking of databases and analyzing "holes" in hostings, the websites, designers, I thought of a paradox of the Internet, this surprising invention of the 20th century: each its user is vulnerable in the centralized network, information which gets to worldwide network, is not private any more. Intelligence agencies, corporations, ill-wishers can obtain personal data. Life in a format of infinite prosecution should not become our reality. We would like that each personality recovered the right to Internet privacy lost in the 21st century — Denis Shelestov (19 years) shared the social idea of the CTO DeNet project. |
DeNet already started testing of MVP (Minimum Viable Product) — the product having the minimum, but sufficient functions. The company submitted the alpha of the distributed static hosting which does not require installation of the special browser. MVP DeNet is the first development stage of a product which shows operability of the main functionality of software at the level of hosting providers and clients. During work on the project the company is going to move gradually the clients and providers of capacities to the decentralized network. As of December 7, 2017, DeNet it is possible to post online the static websites or cdn.
We already have an alpha where it is possible to load a static homepage. Having started MVP, we were convinced of prospects of our idea and we continue to work on creation of really decentralized network for which there is no policy, borders, conditions and restrictions actively. DeNet is interesting to investors, and we already managed to attract primary investments — the co-founder and CEO DeNet Rafik Singatullin told. |
By estimates of the company, in the world about 3.5 billion people use computers, 90% from them do not load the resources at full capacity. DeNet, connecting hundreds of thousands of devices in a single network, will give the chance to lessors to gain income. On the DeNet platform essential computing powers in safe and stable network DeNet will be accumulated, creators of the project claim.
On their expectations, DeNet will allow to solve a number of the problems relevant for modern infrastructure of the Internet. Unlike the large centralized providers, hosting cost in DeNet is lower, the probability of cracking and a compromise of data is almost excluded, and the distributed architecture of network does uninteresting for malefactors of the attack on micro suppliers of a hosting, concluded in the companies.
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