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Psychoneurological institute of V.M. Bekhterev


The St. Petersburg research psychoneurological institute of V.M. Bekhterev is the public medical institution which is engaged in both research, and clinical activity and specializing in neurology, psychiatry, psychotherapy, neurosurgery, narcology, a gerontopsikhiatriya and psychodiagnostics.
Number of employees
2017 year

1907 - the institute is founded by the decree of the emperor Nicholas II on representation of the Russian Prime Minister P.A. Stolypin; the founder is V.M. Bekhterev

The institute takes the noticeable place in the Russian and world psychoneurology. It was the Russia's first research institute of a psychoneurological profile at which also the first in our country neurosurgical clinic, and the first institute on studying of alcoholism and also the first laboratory of medical psychology opened