Customers: GKB No. 1 of N.I. Pirogov
Contractors: Speys (Space1S) Product: 1C: Medicine. HospitalНа базе: 1C: Medicine Project date: 2017/05 - 2017/10
On December 13, 2017 the Speys company announced a technology implementation project "1C: Medicine. Hospital" in city clinical hospital No. 1 of N.I. Pirogov.
Project Tasks
Earlier work of department of PMU was not automated. Accounting of paid medical services and calculations for them was conducted manually. Documents for provision of services were processed on paper. On the statement of documents on one patient left not less than half an hour, there was a large amount of inaccuracies and errors at execution of paper forms. The reporting for the management was also prepared manually that complicated control and work planning of department.
The information system was required for organization for:
- accelerations of all stages of a design of paid medical services,
- gains of control over their providing,
- the organizations of operational management of settlement with patients,
- reductions of time for formation of the management reporting.
It was required:
- implement the system of providing to clients of discounts for services PMU,
- automate formation of process charts
- automate work with insurance companies,
- provide operational calculation of remuneration to employees taking into account the number of the rendered paid medical services.
For the solution of assigned tasks selected a system "1C: Medicine. Hospital". The Speys LLC company became the partner in implementation.
Project Results
For December 13, 2017 in a system 20 employees work:
- head of department of PMU,
- deputy chief physician for economy,
- senior nurse,
- cashier-document specialist,
- economists
- other users.
Project Results:
- work on a design of patients of PMU is automated.
- design of the medical services rendered according to programs of the voluntary medical insurance (VMI) became simpler. ** work with guaranty letters of insurance companies on agreements VHI is automated,
- operational providing documents and reports on requirements of insurers – registers of the treated patients, registers of the rendered services, etc. is provided.
- control of settlement with insurance companies is strengthened.
- formation of process charts on the rendered medical services is automated,
- operational cost accounting of services according to the order DZM No. 1743 of 12/14/2011 is implemented.
- operational providing discounts to clients is organized.
- the incentive plan depending on the number of the rendered services in the different directions is applied to motivation of personnel in hospital.
- By software it is integrated with the system of the laboratory and the program providing information support of all services of organization.
All this simplified work of department of PMU. Labor costs of specialists decreased. Organization increased quantity of paid offices from 1 to 7. The number of patients of department grew up by 3 times.