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Zangi - the Armenian developer of the messenger of the same name who, according to the statement of the company, allows to communicate by  voice and  video conference with  the lowest  traffic costs in the world. And  the Antiblocking technology developed by the company for 2017 allows to work also  in  the countries in  which restrictions for  work of messengers work.

For July, 2017 the Zangi application was downloaded already  by about 1.5  million  people. For  2016  the company purchased more than 20  corporate partners from  12  countries, the director of the company Vagram Martirosyan told. The company participates in  creation of telecommunication infrastructures  at the level of the countries.

 On August 4, 2017 the head of the Armenian government Karen Karapetyan visited office of Zangi company where  he examined  its  activity and  achievements  and also projects which are at  a development stage.