Customers: Rostec (state corporation) Moscow; MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX Contractors: Digit Product: Digit: Manager Monitoring System of Industrial Equipment and PersonnelProject date: 2017/07 - 2018/01
The Rostec state corporation in January, 2018 told about intermediate results of system implementation of digitalization of industrial production Manager.
"Manager" is a system in the field of industrial Internet of Things of development of the Russian company "Tsifra" (enters into Renova Group). A system performs automatic collecting and data analysis about work of industrial equipment. Unlike foreign analogs, Manager is universal, i.e. is connected to any machines and industrial robots regardless of year of release and the producer.
The monitoring system of the machine park online defines real efficiency of use of the equipment and the reason of idle times. According to developer company, among key effects of use of Manager — increase in loading of the equipment on average for 20% and energy efficiency — for 10%.
Project Progress
The project is performed within the agreement on cooperation between Skolkovo Foundation and Rostec state corporation which means creation in the territory Skolkovo of the partner center of Rostec.
The partner center conducts work on implementation of perspective investment projects, development and production of hi-tech products. Priority directions of the partner center: new materials and their processing, ADP equipment and additive technologies of the electronic engineer, including technology of mechanical engineering, instrument making and microelectronics, component base and materials for the radio-electronic industry and creation of means of communication, the software for telecommunication business, service platforms and the subscriber systems.
In Rostec active work on implementation of Manager on production is conducted. On January 19 there underwent the training seminar "Increase in production efficiency. Monitoring system of industrial equipment as fundamentals of the Industry 4.0". At a seminar to industrial managers, entering in Rostec, provided the Manager system and cases on its use by industrial enterprises.
Implementation Results
As of January, 2018, more than 2 thousand machines at 70 different enterprises for all Russia are already connected to a system. Some companies entering into Rostec, in particular, "UEC Aircraft engine" and "Reduktor-PM" also already use the Manager system.