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UBRIR Rutoken of the EDS 2.0 in the RBS system implemented identifiers

Customers: Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRIR)

Product: Rutoken of the EDS

Project date: 2017/07  - 2017/11

In January, 2018 the Aktiv company announced that electronic identifiers Rutoken 2.0 are implemented by the EDS in the RBS system for corporate clients of Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRIR).

Rutoken of the EDS 2.0 is the personal means of the strengthened qualified electronic signature with not taken EDS key which is completely conforming to all requirements 63-FZ and the Order of FSB No. 796 to means of the EDS. The token is certified by FSB of Russia as a CIPF with hardware implementation of algorithms of the electronic signature, the hashing and enciphering and a digital signature facility conforming to requirements 63-FZ "About the electronic signature".

Rutoken of the EDS 2.0 makes cryptographic transactions on not taken cryptographic keys that is especially important for safety of work with the electronic signature. It means that at calculation of the electronic signature the private key never leaves carrier limits — all transactions are made only in a token, emphasized in Asset.

Rutoken devices of the EDS 2.0 are used in the system of remote banking UBRIR created based on iBank2. Tokens of Aktiv company protect payment transactions of clients who received the instrument of increase in level of security of transmitted data.