In the Dnipropetrovsk center of cardiology will deliver the angiograph of Toshiba for 38.7 million rubles.
Customers: Dnipropetrovsk regional clinical center of cardiology and heart surgery Dnipropetrovsk; Pharmaceutics, medicine, health care Contractors: Canon Medical Systems Corp. (бывшая Toshiba Medical Systems), Inmed Ukraine (InMed Ukraine) Project date: 2017/12 - 2018/03
Project's budget: 38 723 720 руб.
At the end of February, 2017 information that in "Dnipropetrovsk regional clinical center of cardiology and heart surgery" Dnipropetrovsk regional council will deliver the angiograph worth 18.4 million UAH excluding VAT (over 38.7 million rubles) appeared. Delivery of the device will be executed by consolidation of the enterprises Toshiba Medical Systems Europe B.V. and "Inmed Ukraina".
The right to delivery of the office of the company was acquired as a result of a victory in the tender. Three organizations acted as competitors of Toshiba: Philips Medical System Nederland B.V. (with the price offer of 20.4 million UAH excluding VAT, or 42.9 million rubles), Siemens Healthcare GmbH (23.1 million UAH excluding VAT, or 48.6 million rubles) and Protek Solyushnz Ukraina LLC (24.7 million UAH excluding VAT, or 51.98 million rubles).
Public opening of the received offers from the Ukrainian and foreign participants took place on January 12, 2018 in a conference room of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration.
Equipment procurement was carried out within the joint project of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine with the World Bank "Improvement health care on service of people".
The angiograph is X-ray system, allowing to distinguish quickly changes in vessels and fabrics. According to the statement on the project website, the angiograph for "The Dnipropetrovsk regional clinical center of cardiology and a heart surgery" DOS is an important step to providing high-quality medical services to the population of the region and significant reduction of threat which are posed by noninfectious, first of all, cardiovascular diseases.
In general, as noted, joint Minzdravaukraina's project with the World Bank is directed to support of reforming of a health care system, improvement of quality of delivery of health care, optimization and restructuring of out-patient clinics of family medicine, departments of emergency (emergency) medical care and out-patient services.
The project is implemented in eight areas of Ukraine, terms of its implementation are 2015-2020. In the Dnipropetrovsk region the "Support of Reforming of a Health Care System of the Dnipropetrovsk Region" subproject is directed, mainly, to prevention and effective treatment of cardiovascular diseases, the corresponding training of family doctors and arrangement of medical institutions of the region.[1]