City clinic No. 46 (St. Petersburg)
Since 1963
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
Sedov St. 95 body 2
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In 1995 on the basis of the order of Management of health care of Nevsky district No. 55-k of 7/14/1995 Department of general practitioners, one of the first in the city and the first in Nevsky district, providing medical care not only to adults, but also children was organized. For the organization and implementation of experience of VOP in tender on "The best it is general medical practice", organized within the Tasis program of the European Community and a big contribution to development of family medicine in SPb, department took 1 place. In 1997 it was recognized the best in the city. Now department of the general medical practice is base for training of students, interns and interns of Medical Academy after degree education, medical academy of I.I. Mechnikov by it, the 2nd medical college.
Clinic No. 46 is also base for practical training by students of the Medical university of the Academician I.P. Pavlov.
In organization 289 people work, from them 89 doctors, from whom 51 have the highest and first qualification categories and 119 specialists with secondary medical education from them, 62% have the highest and first qualification categories.
In clinic work on implementation of new forms of job management is actively carried out. All jobs of doctors are equipped with computers, there is a local network. The clinic receives sovremennoyo the medical equipment according to the Health program. Repairs of offices, clinic halls are made, the modern equipment for department of emergency medical service is bought.
In September, 1988 the clinic was a part the emergency aid created for rendering emergency medical service to the population of the Left coast of Nevsky district. In 1997 for department of emergency medical service the building of the former kindergarten was converted.
In April, 1988 antenatal clinic No. 6 on 13 medical sections was a part of clinic. The antenatal clinic was not once awarded with diplomas and gifts for implementation in practice of new forms of work with the population. So in antenatal clinic No. 6 it was created one of the first in the city and the first in the area "Youth consultation" for prevention of treatment of diseases of reproductive organs of children and teenagers, the school of future mother is open.
1963: Creation of the company
Clinic No. 46 was constructed in 1963 for providing the population of Nevsky district with medical care – it was the first standard clinic in the city of Leningrad opened around the new buildings constructed on site the former outskirts of Shchemilovka. For the clinics organization, it was published Order No. 217 of 4/8/1963 on the Leningrad city health department. Filippov Vladimir Alekseyevich was appointed the first chief chief physician of clinic. As a result of carrying out big administrative and organizational work, the clinic was prepared for opening and on June 20, 1963 began the work. By the beginning of 1964 the clinic unrolled work on 28 sections.