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Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development of UBR


Revenue and Net Profit millions Ths. rub

Performance indicators

2022: Losses of 8.7 billion rubles

The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD) in 2022 registered net losses of 8.67 billion rubles, while a year earlier there was a net profit of 1.07 billion rubles. The credit institution itself explained the monetary losses by currency operations and currency revaluation when Western sanctions were imposed, Kommersant writes on May 10, 2023.

Banking expert Alexei Nechaev, in a conversation with the publication, suggested that the loss of UBRD could have been generated by derivatives (PFI), on the bank's off-balance sheet accounts at the beginning of February 2022 there were about 200 billion rubles. At the expense of the PFI, banks can regulate the open currency position. At the same time, he notes, UBRD at that time had both requirements and obligations under PFI, and in approximately comparable volumes, "it can be assumed from this that it was an arbitration business - the bank could sell to PFI customers, and overlap them (close the emerging currency position) on someone else."

Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development registered net losses in the amount of 8.67 billion rubles

As a rule, triggers that allow them to be forcibly closed unilaterally (for example, a decrease in the sovereign rating or rating of a bank, etc.) enter the terms of transactions with PFI, as Nechaev noted. Thus, it is possible that some PFIs were forcibly closed by the bank with a loss, the expert added.

Net income of UBRD in 2022 decreased by 28.8%, to 8.5 billion rubles. Operating expenses increased 1.6 times, to 17.36 billion rubles. The bank's assets as of January 1, 2023 amounted to 372.53 billion rubles, which is 16.3% more than on January 1, 2022. Net loan debt, measured at amortised cost, increased by 17.2% over the year to RUB 255.84 billion. Customer funds increased by 18.1%, to 342.12 billion rubles. At the same time, the funds of customers who are not credit institutions amounted to 320.61 billion rubles (an increase of 19.7%).[1]



Refusal of compensation 582 million rubles in the case of parallel import of endoscopes

In July 2022, the Court of Intellectual Rights in the cassation instance rejected Olympus's claim against the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development, from which the Japanese manufacturer of medical equipment tried to recover 581.6 million rubles in the case of parallel import of endoscopes. Read more here.

Shareholders contributed 3 billion rubles to the capital of the bank

On February 28, 2022, it was announced that shareholders contributed 3 billion rubles to the capital of the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Additional capitalization will support the pace of business development, increase lending opportunities, and strengthen the reliability and stability of the bank.

In total, over the past 12 months, the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development received 6.2 billion rubles from shareholders. At the end of February 2022, UBRD's equity exceeded 20 billion rubles.

Additional capitalization is a rational step to implement a long-term strategy aimed at developing the business of UBRD, improving reliability and further strengthening its position in the banking market.

"In February, the next stage of expanding our own funds was completed, during which we received a total of 6.2 billion rubles from shareholders. The increase in capital not only increases the stability of the bank, but also expands our lending capabilities for both retail clients and corporate business. Strengthening capital and flexible IT infrastructure of the bank allow UBR to provide customers with a high-tech financial service at the level of market leaders, "said Anton Solovyov, President of the Bank

2021: The bank manager issued fake illegal loans for clients for 13 million rubles and received 4 years

The manager of the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development lost at sports betting and issued loans for clients worth 13 million rubles.

The defendant explained that he had committed a crime due to the difficult financial situation. He went broke in sports betting and planned to recoup the money he received.

In August 2021, the court sentenced him to four years with a sentence in a general regime correctional colony.

2020: Olympus lawsuit to recover 580 million rubles from UBR. Postponed for settlement peacefully

On February 8, 2020, it became known that the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region postponed until March 16 the consideration of the claim of Olympus Corporation against the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD) to recover 581.6 million rubles. In this amount, the company estimated compensation for violation of trademark rights to medical devices.

We are talking about more than 150 pieces of medical instruments, including bronchovideoscopes, colonovideoscopes, gastrovideoscopes, rhinolaring ideoscopes and sigmavideoscopes. The court ruling states that all these devices are in storage at the bank. At the request of the company, the court arrested all the equipment in the fall of 2019. Previously, the parties did not comment on this dispute.

"The parties filed a petition to postpone the court session in order to resolve the dispute peacefully," the court said in its ruling.[2]


Lawsuit against Olympus for the recovery of 581.6 million rubles. for the storage of counterfeit equipment

Olympus Corporation (a Japanese company that produces optics, photographic equipment, equipment for medicobiological research) on October 3, 2019 filed a lawsuit with the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region against PJSC Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD) to recover 581.6 million rubles. In this amount, the company estimated compensation for violation of trademark rights to medical devices. At the request of the plaintiff, the court arrested more than a hundred units of various medical equipment, which is in storage at the bank. Read more here.

Credit line for 600 million rubles for NIPK "Electron"

On March 12, 2019, it became known that the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD) opened a credit line for 600 million rubles for St. Petersburg NIPK Electron. Read more here.


UBR will evaluate borrowers with the help of cellular operators

The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD) completed a pilot project in the summer of 2015 to increase the level of assessment of borrowers taking into account scoring points received from mobile operators. Scoring score will be one of the parameters for analyzing the solvency of the client.

According to Mikhail Sverdlov, head of the strategic development directorate of IT UBRD, according to the results of testing, the use of a scoring point improved the model for assessing a potential borrower by 15%. In his opinion, accounting for new data will reduce the volume of problem debts.

According to Yuri Mironov, Vice President of UBRD - Director of the Department of Operations, Banking and Information Technologies, when forming a scoring score, mobile operators take into account a number of very important client characteristics that are not available from other sources. "First of all, the scoring points of mobile operators are influenced by how much the potential borrower complies with payment discipline. This, among other things, may be evidenced by the lifetime of the subscriber number, the duration and number of number locks, the amount of payments to the operator for communication services, the use of the "roaming" service and even the type of phone used, "he notes.

UBRD cooperates with two mobile operators and is ready to increase the number of partners in the project for the use of external data.

It is worth noting that when applying for a loan, all clients of the bank, who are also subscribers of mobile operators, sign consent to the processing of personal data.

Bank assets for April - 260 billion rubles

As of April 1, 2015, the bank's assets amounted to 260 billion rubles, the amount of equity - 24.1 billion rubles. The rating of the creditworthiness of the UBR on the national scale is "AA" (National Rating Agency), according to the international - "B-," the forecast is "stable" (S&P). UBRD bonds are included in the Lombard List of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and can act as collateral for interbank lending. UBR services are available to half of the economically active population of the country. The bank's network has more than 1,500 customer service points - its own branches, ATMs and terminals.


The volume of the bank's assets is 202.8 billion rubles

As of January 1, 2014, the bank's assets amounted to 202.8 billion rubles, the amount of equity - 17.2 billion rubles, the total loan portfolio exceeded 108.7 billion rubles. The rating of the creditworthiness of the UBR on the national scale is "AA" (National Rating Agency), according to the international - "B," the forecast is "stable" (S&P). The UBRD network has more than 500 offices in 67 regions of Russia from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad. The number of employees exceeds 7 thousand people.

Perpetual license of the FSB of Russia

The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD) announced in January 2014 that it had received a license from the Office of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region for activities in the field of cryptographic information protection in 20 areas.

The obtained license is perpetual. It allows UBRD to provide traditional Internet banking and remote brokerage services using certified cryptographic information protection tools for private and corporate clients, as well as launch new products and services on the market that provide for the use of electronic signature and other cryptographic mechanisms. Licenses granted to the bank earlier will expire in April 2014.

2009: In the UBRD network - 9 branches, 56 additional offices and 10 operating cash desks

The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD) is one of the leaders in the market for financial and credit services in the Ural region. As of December 2009, the bank's network includes 9 branches, 56 additional offices and 10 operating cash desks. Branches of UBRD work Yekaterinburg in both, Chelyabinsk cities and, Sverdlovsk in, Chelyabinsk regions, and. To Moscow Kirov Perm To Ufa
