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Баннер в шапке 2

RSI: Quality of the data given the System of voluntary certification in the field of quality management

Developers: РСи (RC Group, RCG) Resources Cooperation Group
Technology: MDM - Master Data Management - Management of the main master data

The system of voluntary certification in the field of quality management given "Quality of data" assumes passing of certification on compliance to requirements of ISO standards 8000 (in domestic interpretation of GOST P ISO 8000). A system is approved by Federal technical regulation agency and metrologists (reg. No. ROSS RU.Z1315.04ZhUE0).

Subjects to certification in the Quality of Data system are: personnel, end product and organizations.

Principles of certification

Certification in the Quality of Data system is performed on the basis of the following principles:

  • Certificate validity period
    • Restriction of validity period of the certificate of conformity — no more than 1 year during which (taking into account inspection control) compliance of a subject to certification to requirements of a system is guaranteed.

  • Independence

    • Ensuring independence of members of the certified commissions of a system from heads of the organizations of the applicant and (or) from the leading federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation.

  • Objectivity of assessment of results of certification in a system
  • Privacy

    • Ensuring compliance with a trade secret of information of the applicant obtained as a result of certification in the field of quality management of data.

  • Commonality

    • Carrying out certification in a system on the uniform procedure using uniform rules and methods of work.

  • Openness of results of certification in a system
  • Voluntariness

    • Voluntariness of certification in the system of legal entities and physical persons and also inadmissibility of substitution of voluntariness of certification by obligatory confirmation of conformity.

  • Availability

    • Full access to information on a system of all interested organizations, irrespective of the patterns of ownership and legal forms located in the territory of the Russian Federation or beyond its limits about the existing order of carrying out voluntary certification of services and works in the field of quality management of data.


Certification will allow:

  • Develop the conceptual solution for start of the project on creation of a single system of management of basic data;
  • Define technical requirements for the MDM system and integration options with the operating ERP systems;
  • Implement the project on normalization of the reference book of materials, partners or other corporate directories;
  • Train specialists (experts) of Competence Centers and improve their skills.