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Sberbank: Electronic registration of transactions on purchase and sale of the real estate

Developers: Sberbank
Date of the premiere of the system: 2016
Last Release Date: February, 2020
Branches: Government and social institutions,  Internet services,  Real estate


The service of electronic registration of transactions on purchase and sale of the real estate assumes submission of all necessary documents on the Internet.

Electronic registration of the transaction at the appeal to Sberbank paid. In cost not only the procedure of the conclusion of the transaction, but still the state fee is put. After the deal is closed, in EGRN record about the right possession of the owner of the real estate will appear.[1]

2020: Electronic registration of the property right to the real estate in Russia takes 100 minutes now. MFC does not need to be visited

Electronic registration of the property right to the real estate in Russia began to take no more than two hours, and MFC does not need to be visited. On February 21, 2020 announced Sberbank and Rosreestr the corresponding joint project.

Now in a number of regions electronic registration of mortgage transactions for clients of Sberbank takes place in Rosreestr within 100 minutes from the moment of acceptance of an electronic document package.

Sberbank and Rosreestr started the project on registration of the property right to the real estate in electronic form in 100 minutes

Sending documents for registration is performed right after signing of the loan agreement in bank department. All participants of the transaction receive the registered documents by e-mail. Earlier registration of the property right took up to 11 working days, reported in the press release.

We develop modern services which not only increase convenience, but also considerably reduce time expenditure. Cooperation with partners and start of joint projects open absolutely new opportunities for our clients: now registration of the property right happens not in two weeks, and in two hours — the director of the Domklik division of Sberbank Nikolay Vasev noted.

At first the possibility of operational registration of the property right to the real estate became available in the Ivanovo  and Novosibirsk regions.

Besides, since February 21, 2020 the term of document registration in electronic form was reduced to one day in the Vladimir, Penza, Voronezh, Pskov, Orenburg region, Stavropol Krai and in the Republic of Udmurtia. Service is available to purchase of apartments in new buildings and ready housing.

Earlier in Russia began to register transactions with housing using electronic mortgages. The document allows the mortgage borrower and bank employees to file registration documents far off and not to visit for this MFC. 

2018: Start of electronic registration of transactions with non-residential premises

Sberbank announced on March 19, 2018 start of service of electronic registration of transactions on purchase and sale of non-residential premises: parking places, garages and storerooms of the premises purchased at builders. Now it is possible to send the request for registration of the property right to the real estate to Rosreestr at offices of partner builders of Sberbank — in only 15 minutes.

Service became available more than to two thousand to partner builders of Sberbank, including PIK Group, MITs Group and Legenda Intelligent Development. The procedure lasts 2–3 days then participants of the transaction receive documents by e-mail. Service is provided in all territory of Russia.

We expect that the service for electronic registration of the non-residential real estate will be popular at our clients: on the one hand, service already became this hit for the residential real estate, with another — we see rather high demand on non-residential objects. Every second mortgage transaction of Sberbank on purchase of the apartment passes using our service, at the same time 15% of a total quantity of real estate transactions at builders include acquisition of the non-residential real estate — the director of the Domklik Sberbanka division Nikolay Vasev told.

2016: Start of electronic registration of transactions with the residential real estate

Since 2016 the service for electronic registration of transactions on purchase and sale of the residential real estate operates (both on primary, and in secondary market).

The idea of start of electronic registration of real estate transactions belongs to Rosreestr. Thanks to such opportunity the procedure of filing of application became simpler, and terms were reduced by carrying out registration of contracts of sale.

For emergence of a possibility of the conclusion of the transaction Sberbank and Rosreestr signed necessary documents which allow to make the conclusion of the transaction on the Internet.
