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Natura Siberica implemented the analytical DiAna system: Digital Analytics Pro

Customers: Natura Siberica

Product: DiAna: Digital Analytics Pro

Project date: 2017/09  - 2018/02

On March 28, 2018 the France Informatique & Technologie (FIT) company announced automation of large international retail network of cosmetics of Natura Siberica. Upgraded version of the analytical DiAna system was implemented : Digital Analytics Pro specialized on solving of tasks of retail and constructed on the concept of Visual Data Discovery (VDD) founded on In-Memory technology.

Natura Siberica shop

According to representatives of FIT company, distinctive feature of the project is that Natura Siberica is a group where there is both a producer, and its retail network which promotes products of own brand, and in some shops there are not only brands, but also goods of other producers. So the company has all complex: from production before distribution and retail. It is a classical expanded supply chain. It is the first distinctive feature of this project.

The second moment: the scale of network rather big — more than 80 shops. Also it is necessary to trace all trade flows of all brands. There is a need for big analytical work. Also it was necessary to consider at implementation of an information and analytical system of need for future scalability of network.

The third moment: the company widely uses technologies of discounting: collection of data on more than 1 million client cards is conducted. As result — the analytics in a customer relationship management system (CRM) is demanded. So in analytics of processes of personal marketing. Thus, it became obvious that the integrator deals with Big Data.

During the project, the staff of FIT rebuilt DiAna system operation: Digital Analytics Pro, having transferred it to the In-Memory platform. Thanks to what, the database about checks, about stocks on all shops is placed directly in RAM. Long precalculation of an OLAP cubes is not required. All analytical tasks in DiAna: Digital Analytics Pro occur in the In-Memory mode, almost instantly.

The FIT company also noted that integration with the ERP system of 1C was carried out.