Basalt Management
Mineral extraction
Since 2004
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
192019, Sedov St. 11, office 741
Since 2004
Northwestern Federal District of the Russian Federation
St. Petersburg
192019, Sedov St. 11, office 741
Bazalt Management LLC is the Russian division of the German holding Basalt AG – global manufacturer of the crushed stone and asphalt concrete integrating 101 pits and 225 asphalt plants located in Germany and other countries of Europe. The main products of companies "Basalt AG" are asphalt mixes, high-quality crushed stone of different fractions, material for construction of a bed of the railroads, a stone for strengthening of the coastline of canals and rivers. In Russia the holding is provided by 4 legal entities which are engaged in production, processing and implementation of high-strength crushed stone of a gabbro.