Customers: Agroterra Moscow; Agriculture and fishing Contractors: Agrodrongroup Project date: 2015/07 - 2018/02
"In Agroterr in 2013 digitized 100% of fields and actively use satellite technologies for monitoring of crops. In farms there are quadcopters, it is convenient to use them for experiments. In the next few years the company will focus on the analysis of agroproduction data. For this purpose will expand and automates collection of information about a status of crops, the equipment, accomplishment of technology transactions and in parallel will implement software solutions for processing and data visualization. Agrodron will regularly collect information on development of cultures on experimental fields and to compare them to historical data of the company. To improve the products developers cooperate with scientists from the All-Russian Research Institute of agrochemistry of D.N. Pryanishnikov, the South Korean university Dankook, Moscow State University and the Russian Academy of Sciences. This approach matches ours – we turn agriculture from intuitive into predicted on the basis of scientific approach" — the chief innovation officer of Agroterra Shishov Stanislav comments in April, 2018.