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HID Risk Management Solution

The name of the base system (platform): Artificial intelligence (AI, Artificial intelligence, AI)
Developers: HID Global Corporation (ASSA ABLOY group)
Date of the premiere of the system: 2018/04/13
Technology: Cybersecurity - Antiviruses,  cybersecurity - Authentication,  cybersecurity - Information loss preventions,  cybersecurity - the Fraud detection system (fraud)

HID Risk Management Solution is the service of detection of cyberthreats and fraud using in the work of artificial intelligence technology and machine learning.

According to developers, in the solution the technology of profiling of risks in real time applying analytics of the financial transactions and banking applications given for protection against cybercriminals is implemented.

HID Risk Management Solution consists of three different, completely integrated mechanisms based on risks assessment at the expense of what more exact hazard rate is defined:

  • The mechanism of assessment of threats — detects common threats and traces identifiers of devices, identifies violation of integrity of the application, malware and phishing attacks.
  • The behavioural mechanism — creates a behavioural biometric user profile, including behavior during the work with the keyboard, a mouse and when reading the card, navigation according to pages and use of applications.
  • The mechanism of anomalies — traces parts of transactions in real time, using methods of machine learning for identification of abnormal sessions and transactions and also continuously analyzing hundreds of parameters.

Knowledge of the risk degree determined by these three mechanisms allows to make decisions on the following action more reasonably: approve, block or decline transaction. The analytics of data in the solution IAM increases efficiency of activity for clients.

2018: Release

The HID Global company provided on April 13, 2018 the service of detection of cyberthreats and fraud using artificial intelligence and machine learning for management of identification and access, promoting reduction of number of the cyber attacks in particular directed to financial institutions.

As explained in HID Global, constantly changing landscape of threats complicating a problem of ensuring protection online and mobile finance applications, resulted in need of improvement of processes of detection of fraud and cyber attacks and minimization of possible losses. The solution HID Risk Management Solution conforms to these requirements, integrating possibilities of detection on the basis of proofs and the behavioural biometrics supported by machine learning. The product is intended for protection of banks, online sellers and service providers against malware of zero day, capture of the account, phishing attacks and bots.

The solution HID Risk Management Solution provides to the enterprises and clients protection against modern cyber attacks — Brad Jarvis, the vice president and the managing director of the solutions Identity & Access Management (IAM) HID Global said. — Having integrated examination of HID in the field of management of identification and access with opportunities in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, we give the chance to the organizations better to manage risks, to ensure data security of clients and to be protected from fraud, the malware and date leak. HID Risk Management Solution and our application for authentication on the mobile devices HID Approve is a combination of security and the user authorization.

The solution HID Risk Management Solution is completely integrated with the HID ActivID Authentication Platform platform which provides multifactor authentication for protection of identifiers of users, transactions, devices and accounts.

Combination of multifactor authentication with function of detection of cyberthreats and fraud using artificial intelligence provides passing of the adaptive authentication based on risks assessment and work with data. It increases security, optimizing work of the user and providing convenience, emphasized in HID Global.