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LANIT-Integration equipped the Big sports Luzhniki arena

Customers: Luzhniki Olympic Complex

Moscow; Show business, leisure, sport

Product: Complex projects of creation of the engineering systems

Project date: 2018/01  - 2018/03

On April 11, 2018 the Insystems company and LANIT-Integration announced creation engineering and IT infrastructures of the Big sports Luzhniki arena.

In a work progress 10,500 fire annunciators, 5,100 loudspeakers of the notification, 1300 surveillance cameras, 650 LCD panels, 88 two-pass full-growth tourniquets were mounted. Total length of cable lines exceeded 2,000 km. Specialists considered requirements of the Russian organizations and departments, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB and the FSO and also requirements of FIFA Handbook.

Olympic Luzhniki complex (2018)

The project team Insystems and LANIT Integration performs works on equipment by the engineering systems of temporary buildings and constructions in the territory of BSA "Luzhniki". Installation of a system of Internet access for the audience comes to the end (WiFi-HD).

Luzhniki - one of sign objects for Moscow, and considering complexity of the project, terms of implementation were extremely compressed. In such terms there is no right to an error – it is necessary to select the most effective solutions at once. At the expense of what did everything turn out? Unique construction was built in terms of project management. In design process and constructions each step was approved. A competent team of contractors was gathered, the stadium was under construction in a friendly situation".

Galina Gordyushina, director of design of JSC Mosinzhproekt

"If to compare Luzhniki to a live organism, then everything that we about Insystems designed and constructed within the project, is a nervous system of stadium. It is without what any modern stadium cannot function. Not to mention that there are requirements of FIFA and construction standards at which violation an object cannot be put in operation.

Murat Marshankulov, CEO of LANIT-Integration company