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Epam InfoNgen

Developers: EPAM Systems
Last Release Date: April 2018
Technology: CMS - Content Management Systems

2018: Using machine learning

At the end of April 2018, Epam Systems released the InfoNgen 7.0 platform, which allows importing ready-made personalized content from more than 200 thousand Internet sources, using various languages ​ ​ and analyzing the emotional color of messages.

InfoNgen 7.0 implements machine learning algorithms through neural networks, which, according to developers, significantly improves the accuracy of data over time, helping companies find hidden structures, trends and anomalies in corporate data. InfoNgen users can quickly find, analyze and share business information to accelerate decision-making and remain competitive, Epam said.

Epam uses machine learning to find anomalies in company data

About 80% of new data is unstructured, so this form is the fastest growing, and companies that do not process this kind of information do not have access to a large amount of useful data. In the case of business, unstructured data comes from social networks, emails, documentation and presentations containing important outputs that can transform the entire business model. In order not to lose the benefit of using such data, and ensure the successful scaling of the business, the InfoNgen platform was created.

The solution is focused on use in various industries, including financial and legal services, IT, manufacturing, retail, etc. The manufacturer lists six main applications of InfoNgen:

  • Analysis of brands and competition in the market;
  • Search for intra-corporate data;
  • Analysis of market situation and current information;
  • Compliance and risk prevention;
  • Detection of falsified documents and fraud attempts.[1]
