Customers: All-Russian Popular Front (ONF)
Contractors: Business Automatization SPC Product: Visary (Vizari AIS)Second product: Visary BI Third product: Visary SED Project date: 2017/01
The main goals of the portal modernization are:
- development of open (public) and closed (accessible to authenticated activist users and administrator) parts of the Portal;
- implementation of fully automatic download and display of information on procurement of goods, works and services from the Official Website of the Unified Information System in the field of procurement;
- Automate the process of filtering purchases uploaded to the Portal;
- automating the processes of searching and filtering information about procurement of goods, works and services already uploaded to the Portal;
- automating peer review and procurement analysis processes;
- automating legal, technical and advisory support processes for activists and experts;
- development of interactive services for interaction with users, receiving feedback (including conducting surveys).