Customers: Gazprombank (GPB) Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing Product: ABBYY Recognition ServerSecond product: Automated control system for printing and monitoring (ASUPIM) Project date: 2017/10 - 2018/03
On May 17, 2018 ABBYY announced that Gazprombank strengthened control over printing devices using the solution of ARTI and technologies of ABBYY.
One of potential sources of leak of confidential information are printing devices. For control of this channel Gazprombank implemented the automated control system for printing and monitoring (ASUPIM). In the solution technologies of management of printing from the company of ARTI and the module of recognition of texts of ABBYY Recognition Server are used. A system is integrated with other means of protecting of confidential information which are earlier implemented in bank.
With commissioning of this system the bank had an opportunity without increase in the number of staff to control process of transition of confidential information of an electronic form to a type of paper documents and to analyze processes of further information processing. One of features of a system is the possibility of information analysis, presented in the graphic form. Use of the module of image understanding of ABBYY company together with the solutions entering a complex of the situational center of bank provide a possibility of timely identification and response to incidents of this kind.
"With growth of our business information volume increases, so, also need to protect these data from malefactors grows. Printers and the MFP take the second place in popularity among potential channels of information leak therefore Gazprombank improves many years the control system and safety of printing devices. The solution ARTI and technologies of ABBYY allow to provide reliable data protection." Sergey Gorlenko, deputy chief of department of data protection of JSC Gazprombank