LSR Industrial and Construction Group
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LSR Group combines enterprises for the production of building materials, the extraction and processing of non-metallic minerals, the provision of mechanized services, development and construction of buildings - from large-panel housing of mass series to elite houses built according to the projects of leading domestic and foreign architects.
LSR Group is an open joint stock company and owns 100% in all its major subsidiaries and companies.
In November 2007, OJSC "LSR Group" conducted an initial public offering (IPO), its GDRs are listed and traded on the London Stock Exchange, and shares - on the MICEX-RTS Group stock market. In the spring of 2010, the company successfully conducted an SPO.
In recent years, the company has turned from a regional market leader into an all-Russian diversified business structure, expanding its activities to other regions of the country, as well as near abroad. LSR Group's core business is concentrated in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Moscow and the Moscow Region, Yekaterinburg and the Ural Region.
All activities of the company are mutually complementary, providing a positive synergistic effect. The well-established mechanisms of interaction allow the Group's enterprises to comprehensively meet the needs of customers, while reducing their production costs and promptly responding to changes in trends in the construction industry. Due to the quality of its products and services, LSR Group is well known in all markets where it operates.
Owners and Management
The company's shareholders in 31.12.2010 are Streetlink Ltd. (62.2%), the company's management (7.6%), in free float - 30.2% of the shares [18]. In September 2010, the main beneficiary of Streetlink Ltd. was named Andrei Molchanov, a member of the Federation Council of Russia from the Leningrad Region.
Business structure
With the beginning of privatization in Russia, the founders of the LSR Group acquired a controlling stake in Stroydetal OJSC. The association included factories for the production of carpentry products, reinforced concrete products and metal structures. In addition, for the implementation of private construction projects, OJSC "Construction Corporation" Renaissance of St. Petersburg "was founded, the priority area of activity of which was the construction of facilities in the central part of St. Petersburg. For this purpose, OJSC Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya, the main developer of the city center in Soviet times, was acquired. Under the name "Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya," the LSR Group developed for almost ten years and became widely known in St. Petersburg. The headquarters of the LSR Group is still located in the same historical building at 36 Kazanskaya Street. After the legal registration of the holding and the change of the name "Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya" began to perform the functions of the customer in the segment of construction of economy-class real estate.
Performance indicators
2024: Reduction in annual sales by 25% to ₽163 billion
In 2024, the volume of concluded contracts for the purchase of real estate amounted to ₽163 billion, which is 25% lower than in 2023. Such figures are given in the report of the LSR group, published in January 2025. During the reporting period, 664 thousand square meters were sold. M of residential real estate. The company associates the decline in indicators with changes in mortgage lending conditions and demand adjustment.
As follows from the report, the share of mortgage transactions for 2024 was 69%, which is lower than the level of 2023, when this figure reached 76%. For 12 months, the company put into operation 732 thousand square meters. m of residential space, and the volume of new objects launched on the market amounted to 650 thousand square meters. m.
The largest volume of sales was recorded in Moscow and the Moscow region, where 322 thousand square meters. m of real estate in the amount of ₽102 billion. In 2023, the volume of transactions amounted to 290 thousand square meters. m, and the amount of contracts reached ₽88 billion. In St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region in 2024, 265 thousand square meters. m of residential real estate, which provided the company with ₽52 billion in revenue. In 2023, the indicators were higher and amounted to 313 thousand square meters. m and ₽99 billion, respectively. In Yekaterinburg, sales decreased by 45% - to 77 thousand square meters. m, and the total value of transactions amounted to ₽9 billion against ₽15 billion a year earlier.
According to the results of the fourth quarter of 2024, the amount of new contracts amounted to ₽48 billion, and the total volume of real estate sold reached 177 thousand square meters. m. The share of mortgage transactions decreased to 44%. In Moscow and the region, 100 thousand square meters. m of residential real estate in the amount of ₽33 billion, in St. Petersburg - 63 thousand square meters. m for ₽13 billion, in Yekaterinburg - 13 thousand square meters. m for ₽1 billion
In addition to the development business, the company presented a report on the release of building materials. In 2024, 6.3 million cubic meters were produced. m of granite crushed stone, which is 1 million cubic meters. m less than in 2023. Sand production, by contrast, increased to 6.6 million cubic meters. m, which is 1.2 million cubic meters. m above the level of last year. The volume of brick production amounted to 300 million pieces, which exceeded the indicator of 2023, when 290 million pieces were produced. Production of aerated concrete increased by 80 thousand cubic meters. m and amounted to 826 thousand cubic meters. m.[1]
2023: Growth in real estate sales by 2.3 times - up to 216 billion rubles
In 2023, the LSR group sold real estate for 216 billion rubles, which is 2.3 times more than a year earlier. In physical terms, the volume of sales of objects reached 1.1 million square meters. m, which is 2.2 times higher than a year ago. Such data were published by the Russian construction holding on January 19, 2024.
From the materials of the LSR it also follows that in 2023 the share of contracts involving mortgage funds in 2023 amounted to 75%. Put into operation 974 thousand square meters. m of net selling area. The volume of space put on sale amounted to 884 thousand square meters. m.
In St. Petersburg in 2023, real estate sales from the group in monetary terms amounted to 113 billion rubles (an increase of 82%), in kind - 668 thousand square meters. meters (an increase of 78%). In the capital, the company signed contracts for the sale of 290 thousand square meters. meters of real estate (4.2 times increase) with a total value of 88 billion rubles (3.5 times increase). In Yekaterinburg, sales increased 2.5 times, to 15 billion rubles, 141 thousand square meters were realized. meters (2.3 times growth).
In 2023, LSR sold 7.3 million cubic meters of granite crushed stone against 7.7 million cubic meters a year earlier. Sand sales decreased from 5.7 million to 5.4 million cubic meters, marketable concrete - from 743 thousand to 545 thousand cubic meters. Brick supplies also decreased - from 307 thousand to 290 thousand cubic meters. Only in the segment of aerated concrete, the group recorded an increase in sales - from 651 thousand to 746 thousand tons.
LSR is one of the largest Russian housing developers and a manufacturer of building materials. By the end of December 2023, the company's development projects are located in, St. Petersburg,, To Moscow Moscow area Yekaterinburg and. Sochi The main owner of the company is Andrey Molchanov.
LSR Group "Announces 4Q and 12M 2023 Operating Results
2022: Revenue growth by 7% to RUB 139.66 billion
The revenue of LSR, one of the largest development groups in Russia, in 2022 reached 139.66 billion rubles, an increase of 7% compared to a year ago (130.52 billion rubles). Net profit during this time decreased by 17.9% - from 16.27 billion to 13.36 billion rubles.
The company's long-term liabilities in 2022 decreased by 7% - to 138.6 billion rubles. EBITDA increased by 8% and amounted to 38.6 billion rubles.
The largest revenue for 2022 was brought by LSR development business in St. Petersburg (68.76 billion rubles against 58.45 billion rubles in 2021) and Yekaterinburg (12.96 billion rubles against 10.40 billion rubles). In the segment of building materials production, revenue for 2022 increased to 24.79 billion rubles, which is almost 4 billion more compared to 2021.
In 2022, the LSR group put into operation in Moscow 286 thousand square meters. m of real estate against 120 thousand square meters. m a year earlier. At the same time, the volume of new contracts decreased from 31 billion to 25 billion rubles. In St. Petersburg, the commissioning of real estate decreased from 410 thousand to 285 thousand square meters. m, but the volume of new contracts increased from 57 billion to 62 billion rubles.
Another major market for the group's presence is Yekaterinburg. There, in 2022, LSR handed over 143 thousand square meters. m of real estate, which is more than the result of 2021 in 112 thousand square meters. m. Revenues from new contracts in the city decreased from 9 billion to 6 billion rubles.
According to the NF Group, as of December 31, 2022, the assessment of the LSR land bank increased to 550.2 billion rubles (in 2021 - 471.5 billion rubles), amounting to 9.2 million square meters. m. By the end of 2022, LSR united enterprises for the extraction and processing of non-metallic minerals, the production and transportation of building materials, as well as the construction of buildings.[2]
2025: Purchase of Ibis on Ligovsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg from Kesco-Baltia LLC
PJSC LSR Group acquired the Ibis hotel complex at 54 Ligovsky Prospekt, as well as the second stage of the hotel under construction. The market value of the hotel is 1.1 billion rubles, the hotel under construction is 1.6 billion rubles. This is evidenced by the data of the annual report on the valuation of the company's asset portfolio, released in March 2025. Follows from data of the USRLE that assets belonged to LLC Kesko-Baltic. The transaction is at the final stage and will be documented within a month. Read more here
2024: Appointment of Dmitry Kutuzov as CEO
On March 6, 2024, the LSR construction group announced the appointment of a new general director. It was Dmitry Kutuzov, who replaced the founder of the company, Andrei Molchanov, in this post. Read more here.
Key Acquisitions and Enterprise Creation
- entering the market of reinforced concrete products in St. Petersburg: OJSC Stroydetal was acquired, which included factories for the production of reinforced concrete products, as well as carpentry products and metal structures;
- entering the market for the development of elite real estate in St. Petersburg: OJSC "Construction Corporation" Renaissance of St. Petersburg "was founded.
- entering the brick market in St. Petersburg: OJSC Lenstroykeramika, an enterprise for the production of brick products, was acquired (later it was annexed to the brick association of OJSC Pobeda LSR). The company entered the holding together with the Cambrian clay deposit;
- entering the sand market in the north-western region: OJSC Rudas, a sand mining enterprise, was acquired.
- acquired by Lenstroyrekonstruktsiya OJSC (St. Petersburg), the main developer of the city center in Soviet times;
- acquired NPO Ceramika CJSC (St. Petersburg), a manufacturer of brick products (later it was joined by Pobeda LSR OJSC).
- entering the panel house-building market of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region: acquired by Gatchina DSK OJSC, one of the largest large-panel house-building enterprises in the north-western region;
- entering the real estate development market of the mass market and business class segment of St. Petersburg: Gatchinsky DSK LLC was founded, subsequently renamed City DomoConstruction Company LLC;
- entering the real estate development market in the Moscow region: Mosstroyrekonstruktsiya CJSC was founded.
- entering the granite crushed stone market in the north-western region: OJSC Granit-Kuznechnoye, an enterprise for the production of granite crushed stone, was acquired;
- BaltStroyKomplekt LLC was created to complete the construction organizations of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region with the products of the company's enterprises;
- on the basis of Stroydetal OJSC, the Vertical CJSC Window Systems Plant was created;
- acquired by JSC PO Barricada (St. Petersburg) - a manufacturer of reinforced concrete products;
- entering the St. Petersburg concrete market: OJSC "ZSK No. 19," subsequently renamed LLC "Association 45," an enterprise of St. Petersburg for the production of concrete;
- entering the market of mechanized services of St. Petersburg: acquired by OAO UM-260, a company for the rental of tower cranes;
- acquired the Leningradsky River Port OJSC (St. Petersburg), an enterprise with a complex for the extraction of sea sand in the waters of the Gulf of Finland (later it became part of Rudas OJSC);
- acquired by GATP-1 LLC (St. Petersburg), which carries out the transportation of construction materials;
- entering the European real estate market: LSR Group's European representative office, LSR Europe GmBH, was founded in Germany;
- acquired Pobeda CJSC (St. Petersburg), a brick production plant;
- CJSC Block House-Building Plant (St. Petersburg), a large-panel house-building enterprise, was acquired;
- entering the suburban real estate development market in St. Petersburg: Mansion LLC was founded.
- CJSC " Construction Trust No. 28" (St. Petersburg) was acquired, carrying out the full range of foundation works;
- entry into the aerated concrete market: the construction of the LSR-Aerated Concrete aerated concrete plant, subsequently renamed Aerok SPb, was completed;
- all brick plants of LSR Group are combined into a single enterprise - the brick association of Pobeda LSR OJSC.
- entering the market of reinforced concrete products in Moscow: OJSC Zavod ZhBI-6, an enterprise for the production of reinforced concrete products, was acquired;
- entering the Moscow marketable concrete market: 45-M Association CJSC, an enterprise for the production of marketable concrete, was founded;
- entering the cement market in the north-western region: in order to implement the project for the construction of a new cement plant of the LSR Group in the city of Slantsy, Leningrad Region, Cement LLC was founded.
- entering the commercial real estate market in St. Petersburg: A Plus Estate was established to manage commercial real estate of LSR Group.
- entry into the real estate market and the production of building materials in Yekaterinburg. 5 enterprises were acquired: real estate developer Nova-Stroy CJSC, general contracting construction organization SMU NOVA-Stroy LLC, design organization PKU Nova-StroyProekt LLC, crushed stone production enterprise Uralshcheben LLC, as well as a plant for the production of reinforced concrete products and large-panel construction of Betfor Reinforced Concrete Products Plant OJSC;
- entering the aerated concrete market in Ukraine: OJSC Obukhov Plant of Porous Products, a manufacturer of aerated concrete, was acquired, and a new aerated concrete plant in Berezan, Kyiv Region, was put into operation.
- OJSC Granit-Kuznechnoye acquired LLC Quarry Petrovsky (Leningrad Oblast), an enterprise for the production of crushed stone.
- LSR Group cement plant in Slantsy, Leningrad Region was started up. The capacity of the new enterprise is 1.86 million tons of cement per year.
- acquired Pavlovskaya Ceramics OJSC (Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow Region), an enterprise for the production of face bricks.
- An enterprise for the production of crushed stone LLC 438 KNI (Leningrad Region) was acquired with a reserve of gneiso-granite habitats of about 84 million cubic meters. m.
- NPO Ceramics CJSC has been demolished, the enterprise has been moved to the Leningrad Region, and a site for the construction of the Sofia residential complex is being cleared on the site of the plant
Current projects
Since the beginning of 2012 - Construction of a brick factory in the village of Nikolskoye (Leningrad Region) with a total capacity of 220 million pieces of conventional bricks per year. The volume of investments in the project is about 10.2 billion rubles. (including VAT).