Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Forward BPM

Developers: Forward Telecom
Technology: BPM

The Forward BPM system is the software solution for business process automation of the enterprise directed to management and control by means of consolidation of the Docflow and Workflow systems.

Docflow is a possibility of routing of the document between contractors according to the predeterminated requirements. At the same time there is a change of a stage of lifecycle of the document depending on its current provision in a route.

Workflow is the mechanism allowing to deliver messages from one participant of process to another according to the preset route. At the same time together with order also related documents can be transferred. Order — actually is the document comprising data on work which should be executed.

Business process automation through the system of orders allows to create flexibly contents and stages for each customer. At accomplishment of these transactions documents of a certain type can form (for example, accounts, invoices, orders, etc.), to be connected and be turned off services of subscribers, to occur change of internal parameters of a system. The designer of orders allows to design a chain of movements for any business process of the enterprise.

Structure of orders

Any order is characterized by three of its components:

  • Order status
    • Final value of set of the key attributes describing the fixed status

  • Transition of statuses of the order

    • Approach of certain conditions for change of one status of the order for another

  • Action

    • Installation of parameter values of "any" configured object in any provided value can be action, including: creation, change, change for date, removal (without the enclosed object hierarchy). Also formation of the movement, SQL queries of data-refresh, a call of a certain ad hoc method of the "user" class of the processor implementing a certain interface, unloading in an external system can be action.

The customer can independently configure any order, using all available data of the adjacent systems and using any ways of the movement of this order.


On the card of applications of the modern telecom operator Forward BPM takes, as a rule, a position of a core of creation of business processes of the operator, and the flexible integration interface allows to organize qualitative joints with other systems (CRM, Billing, Service Desk, technical accounting, a financial system, etc.).