2018: The founder became a millionaire, working on the project in Tesla
The former employee of Tesla Motors company Korean Sisun Lee thought up hangover medicine and earned millions of dollars. During 2016 he worked on project 82 Labs in free time, but the popularity of a product forced it to leave the work bringing good income in Tesla in completely to focus on the business. At the heart of drink – digidromiritsetin – the component which is received from a sladkonozhnik is used in the Korean hangover medicine. Together with the friend, professor of the University of Southern California, they developed a drink formula.
According to Bloomberg after using Li's social networks it was convinced that on a product there is demand, he began to distribute medicine samplers to everyone free of charge. So drink became known on the website Product Hunt that helped the entrepreneur to convince private venture investors to enclose in the enterprise of $450 thousand. The product received the name Morning Recovery, and officially it is considered dietary supplement.
Then Li addressed collective financing on the website Indiegogo. So he could raise funds for the minimum order for production of drink in the amount of 200 thousand packagings.
Sale of a product was conducted online and income reached $1 million soon. Li's purpose – sale of drink in bars, night clubs and restaurants. He wants to increase a product share in the market, such giants as Red Bull and Coca-Cola so far, did not offer the drink from a hangover.
Creation of retail network of sales requires serious capital investments. According to Li, to him did not make big work to persuade venture investors, for example, of Altos Ventures, Slow Ventures and Thunder Road Capital? make investments in its enterprise as, unlike other startups, company 82 Labs already brought income. In June, 2018 the entrepreneur sets the purpose on sales of a product in shops Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco - in these cities drink best of all is on sale online.[1]