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Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2


Customers: B&N Bank

Moscow; Financial Services, Investments and Auditing

Product: WebTutor

Project date: 2017/01  - 2017/06

2017: A release of the educational portal on the WebTutor platform for a framework of corporate environment

In June, 2017 in B&N Bank the project on opening of access to the bank educational portal from the Internet was implemented. The project was implemented using a compromise solution: the additional external educational portal in DMZ with setup of data transmission between two portals. Many companies face that on the one hand there is a need of providing access to training for any place and at any time, on the other hand - strict requirements of security, fraud risks and information leaks. As employees can study using the mobile phone now, adaptive imposition of the website and mobile design for the external portal was provided. For 2017 the training center of the company considers different methods of the analysis of activity of use of internal and external educational resources to plan further development of the project.