Customers: Yellow, Black and White ( Contractors: ITAN (Finprosoft) Product: ITAN: Management BalanceНа базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.2 Project date: 2015/10 - 2016/01
Project department of ITAN company completed implementation of management accounting in YELLOW, BLACK AND WHITE holding. Within the project the accounting system consisting of two information bases is constructed: as one accounting, working at the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 platform, and one managerial which is completely constructed on a subsystem configuration "ITAN: Management Balance" and works at the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform. In accounting base primary account under Russian accounting standards which data will be unloaded in base of management accounting using the special documents "Transoperation (UBI)" which are a part of the ITAN: Management Balance configuration is kept. These documents will contain all information necessary for formation of managerial postings: values of details, table parts and movements of accounting documents. The unloaded information is stored in a type of the text (codes, names, etc.), and when loading on text representations of these or those objects the procedure of recovery of values will be performed. Use of the similar mechanism allows to connect in the current scheme additional bases of accounting, for the purpose of formation according to them postings of management accounting.
The system of management accounting is brought into trial operation.