The company performs complex supply of welding materials and the equipment to manufacturing enterprises of the Russian Federation. Is an official distributor of the Swedish concern ESAB, the American concern LincolnElectric (JSC Mezhgosmetiz-Mtsensk), the German concern Bohler. We are also business partners of many known Russian electrode plants (the Losinoostrovsky electrode plant, Rimetalk, NPO Spetselektrod, Elektrodny Ltd the plant St. Petersburg). The company has own motor transport thanks to what supply and providing clients is performed in time and uninterruptedly.
Main nomenclature:
- Welding materials (electrodes, continuous a wire, powder a wire, welding gumboils and another is much);
- Welding equipment (inverters, semiautomatic devices, rectifiers, generators and account component parts);
- Hi-tech modern machines for automatic welding and cutting.