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TeamCraft Workflow

Developers: TeamCraft
Technology: BPM,  SaaS - Software as service

TeamCraft Workflow is a cloud platform for business process management of marketing, the working groups, design commands, product development and HR.

The platform allows to automate a full stroke of business processes — from preparation for sale before production and support.

Specific Features

  • Efficiency
    • Development of strategy, materials, products, support of projects take place in Teamcraft on in advance created algorithm which helps a team to work more effectively.

  • Transparency

    • In Teamcraft the project becomes workflow — it is possible to see on what step there is a process and how many still remained. A system notifies the employee while it is necessary to be connected to work.

  • Joint work

    • It is possible to manage communication with all participants in one place. All project information, to tasks, e-mail correspondence with the client, internal communication on one screen in Teamcraft — it is not necessary to use the different systems.


  • Modules and fields
    • It is possible to configure structure of the platform under features of business — to create own modules and fields, adjust existing.

  • Roles

    • TeamCraft Workflow allows to manage access to a system on the basis of roles. Each employee gets data access only in that volume in which it is necessary for work.

  • Reports

    • It is possible to create own reports on the basis of data in a system. The ordinary designer allows to create the report for several clicks.