Customers: Ecogift Contractors: ITAN (Finprosoft) Product: ITAN: Management BalanceНа базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.2 Project date: 2009/07 - 2009/07
The ITAN company completed the works on system implementation of management accounting under requirements of Ekodar company based on ""ITAN: Management Balance"". As a result of the conducted examination technical proposals on management accounting which included were approved: The managerial chart of accounts, the scheme of account correspondence according to documents of operational accounting, the description of additional mechanisms of accounting and templates of the management reporting. The main features of conducting management accounting in Ekodar company were:
- accounting of profit on charge and accounting of the reckoned sales profit after payment by projects and the CFD;
- accounting of indirect expenses on revenue, number and on a gross profit;
- special allocation of costs is proportional to a gross profit across the CFD and projects;
After approval of technical proposals, ITAN started implementation which continued 2 weeks. At the moment all tasks of automation of management accounting in Ekodar company are solved, the subsystem ""ITAN: Management Balance"" functions in the normal mode.