Customers: Yaposha Contractors: ITAN (Finprosoft) Product: ITAN: Management BalanceНа базе: 1C: Enterprise 8.2 Project date: 2009/06 - 2009/06
The ITAN company completed the works on implementation of consolidation of cash flow in holding structure of "Japanese city" based on the distributed databases of 1C: Accounting 8 existing in the company. Within implementation the ITAN company developed a subsystem "ITAN: Accounting of the movement DS" which is built in the existing 1C: Accounting 8 bases takes data on cash flow from there, and overloads them in the central base for the subsequent consolidation. As a result of implementation of consolidation of cash flow in "Japanese city" costs for preparation of the consolidated statements on holding were significantly reduced and its quality in general increased.