Criteo AI Lab
2018: Investments into the center
On July 3, 2018 the Criteo S.A. company, the advertizing platform which creates an open ecosystem for all participants of the market of e-commerce, announced start of laboratory of artificial intelligence – Criteo AI Lab. The center of experience will specialize in developments, experiments and large-scale implementation of machine learning technologies. Investments into implementation of this project will make 20 million euros within three years. The laboratory will research, connected with creation of models of deep learning which will be transparent, focused on the user and simple for interpretation.
Criteo invests in the personnel and in infrastructure to become the leader in the field of use of technologies of deep learning in advertizing. The Criteo AI Lab laboratory will make experiments which will help to create industry standards for measurement of results of work, the advanced practicians will allow to develop and also will bring up a question of responsible use of data. The staff of laboratory under the direction of Sudzha of Suju Rajan, the vice president and the director of Criteo of researches, will make open experiments together with customers and partners and to publish results of researches for promotion of innovations in scales of all industry.
Thanks to new laboratory Criteo will be able to expand limits of technologies of deep learning and artificial intelligence. The laboratory will help the company to tell participants of the industry about advantages of technologies, to develop educational resources, training materials and to publish results of researches. To expand the purposes facing the industry research associates of Criteo will publish results of the researches at different open forums and also will provide access to source codes of the software tools.
For achievement of goals, delivered during creation of laboratory, Criteo intends to expand the presence in France and also to involve world-class specialists to developments in the field of artificial intelligence. The Criteo AI Lab laboratory is faced by a task to change the nature of interaction between consumers, advertisers and publishers. Connecting the theory to practice, Criteo creates new generation of technologies of Digital Signage which will cover more than one billion Internet users.