Customers: 5LB
Contractors: EME Product: EME.WMSProject date: 2016/04 - 2018/09
Large online store, network of own shops of a sports power supply and equipment. The warehouse works round the clock. Small-pieces products with unique barcodes (identifying a batch) are traced from the acceptance moment until sale. Use of the modul of veso-gabaritny characteristics which is built in EME.WMS (a line 4d). The main feature is the possibility of change of the order at any stage even after the order is packed. Module of management of the yard (EME.YMS-lite).
- Area of a warehouse, sq.m. 6000
- Warehouse class And
- System, supplier EME.WMS 4.3 Prof + Web portal
- Project start date and start 9.2018 g (start)