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TrueConf created VIDEOCONFERENCING network for the largest university of Cuba

Customers: Universidad de Oriente

Science and education

Product: TrueConf Server

Project date: 2018/01  - 2018/05

On July 10, 2018 the TrueConf company announced implementation of a VIDEOCONFERENCING system at the Cuban university Universidad de Oriente which, according to the company, integrated 10 branches of university with educational institutions worldwide and also allowed to reduce considerably costs on business trips for the staff of the university and to reorganize remote work of personnel.

Cuban university Universidad de Oriente
The software solution TrueConf proved as the reliable and stable system of a video conferencing.

Ernesto Eduardo Diaz Condé, head of IT department of Universidad de Oriente

Implementation of advanced technologies in educational process — any more not a whim of educational institutions. Without digitalization of the academic space, acceleration of workflows, knowledge sharing and experience at the international level the university will not be able fully to compete in the field of the higher education.

Dmitry Odintsov, development director of TrueConf