The management system for queue of NeuroniQ is implemented in the All-Russian academy of foreign trade
Customers: All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade (ARAFT)
Contractors: Technologies of the Future Product: NeuroniQ Management system for queueProject date: 2017/12 - 2018/05
On July 11, 2018 the Technologies of the Future company announced NeuroniQ system implementation in "The All-Russian academy of foreign trade".
To queue management system implementation process of submission of documents was not the most attractive picture: future students were forced for hours to wait for the queue. After documents are processed to one specialty, it is necessary to wait already in other queue to issue a document package on other specialty. Not only entrants, but also employees of selection committee could suffer disruptiveness of a situation. Therefore the decision on need of system implementation of queue management was made that allowed:
- Reduce the average time of waiting in queue;
- Lower load of employees of selection committee;
- Remove psychological stress;
- Receive analytical reports.
As a result, it was succeeded to automate as much as possible process of acceptance at the expense of system implementation of NEURONIQ which allowed to share queue into two main flows: bachelor degree and magistracy.
Having selected the necessary direction, the entrant can be registered on service:
- advance registration;
- submission of documents (after advance registration on the website);
- repeated visit for the purpose of giving or return of documents, statements, originals.
The service of advance registration which assumes independent filling of the questionnaire to future students is of special interest. Here special approach which could make the procedure of application the simplest and convenient was required.
When choosing by the entrant of service Advance registration he is registered in a management system for queue and receives a talonchik with sequence number. After that a system automatically causes it in the special office equipped with computers. The notification is performed using an information display on which number of a talonchik, number of an office and a free table with the computer for filling of the questionnaire is displayed. Along with information output on a board there is a duplication of information the sound notification.
Having waited for a call a system and having taken the workplace equipped with the computer with Internet access, the entrant should enter number of the coupon in the opened window on the monitor.
In case of compliance to the caused number, the entrant will be redirected on the page of the website of university for filling of the questionnaire. In case of input of incorrect number, on the screen there will be a text: "For this computer other entrant was called!"
After data entry the individual code which is necessary for completion of execution of the procedure of submission of documents is assigned for the questionnaire. This code will be reflected in the computer monitor, the entrant can write or photograph it, also the employee of selection committee will be able to see it in a system in number of the coupon. To get to an office to employees of selection committee, repeatedly it is not required to take the coupon, a system itself will automatically redirect it, having given the priority status in queue.
After arriving stops filling out the questionnaire, in 30-40 seconds the computer will be free for work with the entrant following in turn. This time of a pause is necessary that there was no situation when the following entrant is already called, and previous still actually did not make room.
If documents were filed on the website of academy in advance, the entrant can just take a talonchik and, having waited for a call a management system for queue, to pass already at once to employees of selection committee. Information on passing of an electronic queue will also be reflected in information displays and to be duplicated by the sound notification.
In addition to creating favorable conditions for entrants, the electronic queue has one more important function – obtaining analytical reports which will be extremely useful to chairmen of selection committees. The possibility of unloading of statistical data will allow to see at any time a detailed picture by quantitative indices addressed in selection committee in each direction, each employee and in total, the average time of service and waiting, the complete report for the period (including on jobs), etc.
Automation of process of documents acceptance and the organization of queue of entrants using the NEURONIQ system allows to create comfortable conditions both for entrants, and for the staff of educational institutions.