Баннер в шапке 1
Баннер в шапке 2

Operational accounting of oil EAE.OUN

Developers: EAE-Consult
Branches: Oil industry
Technology: Accounting systems

Operational accounting of oil EAE.OUN provides a single system of production accounting and the movement of oil of oil-and-gas production enterprise in the conditions of geographical distribution of sources of production.


  • Determination of the actual amount of the extracted oil on objects of the enterprise each two hours
  • Timeliness of providing information on quantity and quality of oil from all objects of the enterprise
  • Calculation of an imbalance of oil production for objects of the enterprise
  • Carrying out calculation of standards of losses and regulations of accuracy
  • Identification and elimination of weak points in systems of accounting of oil
  • Formation of a large number of the analytical and procedural reporting under production, transportation and primary preparation of oil

In general operational accounting of oil is the permanent preliminary production accounting, existence and the movement of oil conducted by the oil-extracting organization independently in addition to accounting and for the purpose of providing its input information.

The solution "Operational Accounting of Oil EAYE.OUN" provides:

  • Processing of measurements of quantity and quality of oil on wells;
  • Processing of measurements of quantity and quality of oil on tanks and also on all objects of transport infrastructure;
  • Uniform storage of electronic copies of the graduated tables for tanks and reservoirs;
  • Setup and processing of representation of all land transport infrastructure (AGZU, DNS, SIKN, TsPPN, inside field and trunk pipelines);
  • Determination of the actual amount of the extracted oil on objects of the enterprise (wells, license areas, fields, workshops) each two hours;
  • Calculation of an imbalance of production and also standards of losses and regulations of accuracy;
  • Formation of the various analytical and operational reporting;
  • Integration with external information systems, such, as the systems of level SCADA, GIS and ERP.
  • Information representation about the actual and planned targets of production on mobile devices;
  • Scalability under requirements of the oil-extracting company of any scale.